Chapter 2: Kira up Close

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Scythe's POV:

I decided that for my next step in finding Kira I should go undercover. I had been able to hack into the Task Force's case files and discovered that they suspected a student name Light Yagami. After some research I found out that he went to To-Oh University and of corse after some hacking and rearranging I managed to not only make myself a student under the name of Miya Usagi, but I also made sure I had the exact same classes as Light. The only problem was, how do you pass off an 11 year old as a college student. "You're gonna have problems if you think they're just gonna let you attend college." Sio of has to try and bring me down.

I plastered a fake smiled on my face, "I know I'll have problems at first but here are my entrance examines and I already know I passed.".

"How?" Sio asked.

I rolled my eyes, "Because I took it online and the school will grade momentarily I also have a hard copy of my test and it was so easy.".

"Whatever." With that Sio left. On Monday I went off to To-Oh. When I saw the building I froze, it was huge. For the first time in a while, I felt doubt and a little bit of fear. Think of it, an 11 year old girl who had never been school in her life suddenly showing up to this giant university. A little unnerving. "Hehe, thinking on coming here for college?" Came a voice. I turned around and saw a rather tall boy. He had light brown eyes, light brown medium length hair, light skin, and he was wearing the school uniform.

Time to act, I thought. I smiled the sweetest smile possible, "Nope. I'm not thinking of coming here cause I'm already a student." The sweetness of my voice made me feel sick. The boy paused which gave me time to read his name through my shinigami eyes. His name was...Light Yagami! Well, it looks like I've found you, I thought. "You're a student? Here? And so young?" Light asked skeptical.

I nodded, "Yup. I passed my exams and they let me in. So I'm the newest student here...and the youngest." I wanted to barf because of my own fake sweetness.

"Well, welcome to To-Oh, Miss...?" Light paused and looked at me questioningly.

"Miya. Miya Usagi." I said.

"Welcome Miss Usagi." Light replied, politely. You wouldn't be so polite if you knew why I was here, my attitude may be fake, but my mind was still Scythe's and she wanted nothing more than drop this act and kill this man, but I kept my good girl attitude. " wouldn't if I followed you around for a little while, at least until I get my bearings?" I asked, sweetly.

"Of corse." Light replied, "Let me see your schedule." Light said and I handed him the piece of paper with all my classes on it. "Well, how convenient. You have the same schedule I do. This will be easy. Just follow me around and you'll fine Miss Usagi.".

"Please, just call me Miya." I requested.

Light smiled, "Alright Miya. Please follow me.".

The whole day I followed Light around and even though I got some weird looks I was left alone. Apparently Light was very popular at this school and no one came near me. Later in the day, met the weirdest man ever. Light said he wanted me to meet a friend of his named Hideki Ryuga. "He's a pretty cool guy, but he's a little...odd." Light warned.

"Don't worry. I don't mind odd." I said. Maybe that was true, but I still wasn't prepared for what I saw. This Hideki, had light skin, black spiky hair, black eyes and had a black layer under his eyes from lack of sleep. He wore a long sleeved white shirt and blue jeans. He was sitting on a bench and he wasn't wearing any shoes as his shoes were on the ground. "Hey Hideki. I'd like you to meet Miya. She's new here." Light said.

Hideki put his shoes on and walked over to me, "Hello Miya. You're young for a college student.". I didn't reply right away since I had to read what this guys name was. It clearly read, L Lawliet. So this guy is L? Wow, I was a little surprised that the most famous detective in the world looked like...well, him. "Miss Miya?" L's voice reminded me what I was trying to accomplish.

I shook my head, "Pardon?" I asked.

"I said you're awfully to be a college student." L repeated.

I smiled, "Well, I guess I'm special.".

L nodded, "Yes. Very." He said, rather cryptically. It made me rather uncomfortable the way he started at me. It was like he knew something about me and I didn't like it. Finally (and thankfully), I had to go to my next class. Unfortunately, L had the same class. Again, thankfully, we sat far apart, but throughout the class, L would periodically stare at me and Light. I tried my best to avoid L, but since I had to stay near Light and Light and L were 'friends' I wasn't very successful. All through the day if L wasn't talking to Light, he would just stare at me. I hated it and I couldn't wait to leave. After school I said goodbye to Light. "See ya tomorrow Light!" I called.

"Yup. See you then." He call back. Once Light was out of sight and I couldn't see L, I ducked into a nearby alley and began the most important part of my search, observing. Light didn't seem to do anything out of the ordinary, but Kenyo finally spoke, "You want me to say whether he as a shinigami or not don't you?" He asked.

"I never asked you to do anything. It's up to you whether you tell me or not." I replied in an offhand manner.

"What will you give me if I tell you?" Kenyo hissed.

"What do you think?" I retorted as I watched Light go into a comic book store.

"Carmel apples?" Kenyo suggested hopefully.

"Sure and lots of em'." I promised.

"Show me them first and then I'll tell you." Kenyo ordered.

I smirked, "You've learned a lot from me. Alright, deal. I'll get the apples and then you tell me if Light has a shinigami.". Me and Kenyo shook on it and I followed Light all the way home from a distance. In the end I learned nothing, but I didn't expect to. I would need the help of Kenyo if I was to learn anything, but in order to get his help I would need over a dozen Carmel apples. I went home that night wondering where in the world would I get that.

Light's POV:

Miya seemed friendly enough, but in my circumstance I couldn't be to careful. Especially, with L staring at her like that. I would need to be careful. "You know someone's following you." Ryuk said. I stopped, but didn't turn around, just in case. Soon I kept on walking. I needed to find a way to get rid of my shadow. I walked into a comic book store to buy something new. I didn't really take any interest in comics, but if I had a follower I would want to make myself look like a normal teen. After buying some random comics I left and walked the rest of the way home acting as if nothing was wrong. I would figure out a way to get rid of my follower. One way or another.

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