Chapter 4: The Truth

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Jade's POV:

It was the next day and I woke up with the sun blinding my eyes and I ended up falling off my bed. "Oof." I grunted as I hit the hard wooden floor. I slowly rose to my feet and brushed my hair and got ready. I got dressed into my Greenday t-shirt with the words, "WAKE ME UP WHEN SEPTEMBER ENDS!" on it. Then I put on some jeans and pair of sneakers and went to eat breakfast. While I was eating I heard my phone ring I picked it up and the caller id didn't show up. "Hello?" I asked into the phone.

"Hey. Um...J?" Came a nervous voice.

"Hey. L?" I asked.

"Um yeah. Hey J, I need to talk to you..." L paused, "In person." He added.

"Sure. Is everything alright?" I asked, a little put off by how nervous L sounded.

"Uh...yeah! Everything is fine, it's just I need to tell you something in person. That's all." L insisted.

"Um alright. Where?" I looked at the time, 6:30. What could L possibly want to talk about that couldn't wait until later? "Meet me at the bakery at seven." L said.

"Alright. Meet you there." And then I hung up. This was weird. Really weird.

I stood at the bakery with a small cupcake in front of me. The time was 6:50 and to be honest, I was a little nervous. L sounded so flustered and off. "Hey J." I turned around and saw L standing behind me.

"Hey." I replied as L sat down. "So what did you want to tell me?" I asked taking a sip of my coffee.

"I just wanted to say sorry." L answered.

I looked at L confused, "Sorry? About what?".

"About everything. At Wammy's we were enemies and I would try anything to be better than you." L explained.

"Thank you for bringing up such a happy subject." I replied sarcastically.

"I'm serious. The only reason I wanted to be better than you was because I wanted to impress you.".

I almost spit my coffee out from that comment, "Impress me? Why?" I asked.

L started straight into my eyes, "Because I loved you and I still do.".

I smiled, "Is this a joke? Cause if it is it's pretty good.". L didn't respond. "You're lying. I already know that." I spat.

"Why do you always assume a complement for you is always a lie?" L asked.

"Because I'm not the kind of person do get complements." I insisted. "You're lying and that's that." And I got from my chair and walked off.

Okami's POV:

I looked at the dead body below me. Another victim. Another job. "Good work." Came a voice. I turned around and saw a large man in a black trench coat with a fedora and a giant gun. "It's just another job. It was easy." I replied.

"I'm sure, but you understand when I say it wasn't easy enough." The man smirked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"If it was easy then you would have finished within the deadline." The man answered.

"What?! You never said anything about a deadline! I did the job I expect to get paid!" I shouted.

Two more large men entered the building and the first smirked, "Oh I thought I did. Well anyway, we can't have you running free now can we? Kill her boys." He ordered. The two other men charged. Thankfully I was much faster then them, I quickly jumped to the side and ran up the wall doing a backflip over the men. Just as I landed I threw one of my chakras. It beheaded one man and has it was coming back in a arch fashion killed the other man the same way. I raised my hand, grabbed my chakra and faced the first man. His face was white with fear, but I was still wary of his gun, "Now, where's my money?" I asked.

"NEVER!" The man cried as he firing his gun randomly. I ran around the whole room with his bullets hitting right behind me. I ended up in front man and with one quick swipe of my chakras and knocked his gun across the room. I raised a chakra up to his neck, "I'm gonna ask you again, where's my money? And I won't ask again." I threatened.

"H-here. Take it all! Just please don't kill me!" The man pleaded as he handed me a fistful of twenty dollar bills. I counted the money and checked to make sure it was real. Once I was positive he didn't cheat me I raised my chakras to his neck once again, "I'm in a good mood so I'll let you live, but should you come back I will not hesitate to end your pathetic life. Am I making myself clear?" I spat into the mane face and he nodded quickly and then ran out the door. Looking back once at the dead bodies I left.

Sal was overjoyed to see me. She always was, but funny enough, she hated other people. She only ever connected with me. I guess it was because we were both rejects, nobodies, loners. I had found Sal as a puppy when I was young. She was on the side of road weak and hungry. I saved her life and she had spent her entire life repaying me for that. She repaid with love and a good guard dog. "Hey Sal." I sighed as I flopped down on my couch. "It was a rough day today. That slimy basterd tried to cheat me outta my money.". Even though Sal couldn't understand me, she knew I was upset and mad so she growled to show that she agreed with whatever I was saying.

I smiled, "Thanks girl." I said as I patted her head. I lay back against the couch and Sal jumped up and rested her head on my lap. I slowly dozed off into a restless sleep. I was in a building and the walls were coated in blood. In the blood of all the people I had killed. I heard the screaming and I heard the crying of those close to them. I heard children crying about the loss of a mother or father. Wives crying over their husbands body and vis versa. I covered my ears and closed my eyes.

When I opened them I was in a completely different place. I was outside in the poring rain at night. I heard shouts and screams. I couldn't help it. I ran and ran, but the harder I ran the louder the voices became. I ran through dark alley ways trying to hide from whatever was chasing me. I ended up at a dead end. When I turned around all I saw was darkness. A huge monster made up of black goo. When it cried all I heard was the voices of all the people I'd killed and those I left behind to die. Finally, the monster pounced, but just before it caught me I woke up covered in sweat and gasping for air.

When I woke up it was dark out and Sal was still asleep on my lap. I rested my hand on her head and stroked her back. "What was that?" I mumbled.

"A bad dream maybe." A voice answered. I turned to see my shinigami, Cirus. "Oh hey Cirus." I muttered.

"The usual?" She asked and I nodded.

"I see. Well just try to think about something else.". I chuckled at Cirus's attempt to console me. We were both so closed and composed we rarely ever tried to be nice. I placed my head back against the couch and tried to get my mind off the I had. I racked my brain, but the only thing I could think of was Scythe. Who were those men? Why did they scare Scythe? How could they? So many questions that I couldn't answer, but the one that intrigued me most was, what happened in her past that involved those men?

It intrigued because I knew that very few things frightened Scythe and that if something scared her it must be awful. As I thought about it I slowly fell into a dreamless sleep.

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