Chapter 8: Okami

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I woke up in a dark alley. How'd I get here? I wondered. I got to my feet and began walking forward. Nothing seemed familiar and I could barely see 5 feet in front of me. The world around me was quiet and quiet, it was as if I was alone. "Hello?" I called out. My voice echoed off the walls and down the path. No answer. "Come on, quit the joke!" I cried again. My own voice was my only reply.

"I know this is joke, and it's not funny!" But again, I only heard myself. "What the hell is going on here?" I yelled.

"You killed them..." Came a hissing reply.

"What?" I looked around confused, I saw no one. "Who are you?" I demanded. "Where am I?!" I continued. I clenched my hands into fits and gritted my teeth while looking for the mysterious speaker.

"You're where murderers go. You're where you should be." The voice replied.

"What?" A little bit of panic was seeping into my voice.

The voice laughed, "Hehe. So you do fear. Let's see why.". Suddenly my head was filled with the screaming voices of all the people I had killed.

"Please spare me!"

"I repent! I replant!"

"Let my family live!"

All the people I had murdered for money and not just that, but I also heard the reactions of their loved ones and family members.

"Mommy! No!"


"Please! Stay!"

I covered my ears in vain to try and block out the sound. "Do you repent?" The voice hissed.

"NO!" I screamed. "I will never regret what I've done!" I cried angrily.

Suddenly the voices stopped and in front of me the image of a little girl crying over her mother's dead body appeared in front of me. In the background was a dark figure that resembled a father, one thing was clear about the man, he was covered in blood. I froze, stunned to the core. "The good old days, eh?" The voice said calmly. "This took place a long time ago...a long long time ago." It continued.

I jolted out of my daze, "WHO ARE YOU?! WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME?!" I screamed.

"I want..." The voice paused, "REVENGE!" And suddenly my world went dark. I awoke screaming in my bed and sweating heavily. I looked around frantically and saw everything was back to normal. I groaned and rose to a sitting position, "Damn nightmares." I sighed.

I groggily walked downstairs when I saw my living nightmare BB. I groaned, "You're still here?" I asked miserably.

B grinned at me, "Yup." His smile was quickly replaced with a frown, "You don't have any jam." He mentioned as if it was a serious thing.

I shrugged, "So?"

B gasped, horrified, "So?" He repeated, "How can you say "so"? Jam is the most amazing thing ever!" He cried grabbing and shaking my shoulders violently.

"Ow! Stop that!" I cried and I grabbed my head in pain.

"Headache?" B asked. I nodded and I sat down heavily with a glass of milk. "Oh sorry." B sat down next to me with a plate of toast with butter. He sighed as he took a bite, "So plain without jam." He said wistfully.

"If you want some jam go and buy some with your own money," I snapped.

"Well, someone's in a mood." B replied.

"Shut up." I growled.

"Why were you screaming?" B asked nonchalantly as he got up to get some more toast.

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