Chapter 3: A New Job

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Scythe's POV:

It had been a week since I started attending To-Oh University when I received another visit from the Task Force. This time though, only one person came to talk to me. I was walking back home after I finished my spying when I heard a voice, "It's a little late to be out.". I spun around and saw a young woman. She had dirty blond hair, light blue eyes, and lightish skin. She wore a pair of blue jeans and a white t-shirt that said, "I'M A NERVOUS WRECK.". "Who are you?" I asked.

"Call me J." The woman replied, "I'm here to take you to the Task Force Headquarters.".

"And what makes you think I'll go?" I spat.

"Because, we both want the same thing, the death of Kira." J explained.

"What's in it for me is I come?" I asked.

"We'll erase the criminal records of you and your...'gang'." J promised.

"Hmm...that's good, but is it a deal no one knows I'm a criminal?" I couldn't risk it.

"Only me and L know that you are well, you, and we won't tell anyone, but I have one question." J replied.

"Ugh. What?" I snapped.

"What is your motive?" J asked.

"With what?" I looked at J confused.

"This case, what is your motive to do this case?" J repeated.

"It's simple, Kira kills criminals. I'm a criminal. He's kinda threatening my business." I lied. I couldn't let anyone know about Chase. It was a weakness. "Hmm...I believe there's another motive, but it know you won't tell me. So anyway, meet L and me tomorrow at six at Mary's Donut Shop, and then we'll talk.". With that J left. I already knew her name, Jade.

Well, I'll see you tomorrow, Jade and Lawliet.

The next day was Saturday, so I didn't have any school. I quickly got ready and left before anyone else was up. I walked slowly through the twists and turns of the alley ways that I now called home. It had been such a long time since I had even thought about America. Japan ran things very differently and I felt more at home in it's dark maze than in the bright bustling cities of the US. It was a quiet night and the full moon was out leading me like a beacon. The stars looked like tiny diamonds glittering in the moonlight. The wind was soft and cool as it whispered through my hair singing it's beautiful song.

To me, this was paradise, but in my soul I knew paradise didn't exist. I had long locked up all feelings of joy and hope deep within me. In my mind I had one line on replay, "Don't hope, it doesn't exist.". That one line kept my feet planted firmly on the ground. It prevented me from loosing myself in things that didn't matter. Soon the sun began it's slow ascend into the sky and slowly the stars and moon disappeared.

I quickly made my way to the donut shop where I would meet my new employer. Since I was really early once I got there I just leaned against a nearby wall. "So you're working for L now?" Came a voice. I turned around and saw Okami standing there next to me. "It's none of your business who I'm working with." I growled.

Okami laughed, "It is cause I'm actually helping L. He just doesn't know it.".

"How could you be helping L?" I asked, skeptically.

"That's for me to know, and you to leave alone." Okami replied.

I shrugged, "Whatever.". Just then I saw two men in black suits going around questioning people with a picture! Or the girl that use to be me. "Just act normal." I whispered to Okami.

"What do you mean?" She whispered back. She noticed the two men, "Who are they?" Okami asked.

"No one. Just pretend you and I am friends and we're having a normal everyday outing." I insisted. Okami looked at me suspiciously, but nodded. Soon the two men walked up to us, "Hello you two girls we're looking for a young girl named Maria Case." One of the men said.

"She looks like this. You two seen her?" The second asked holding up a picture me as a young girl.

"No. Never seen her before in my life!" I replied, a little bit to quickly.

The men turned to Okami and I stared at her, almost pleading, "I've never seen her before in my life." Okami smirked. Soon the men left to question more people. Okami faced me next, "Who were they?" She asked.

"People from my past. They don't like me." I explained a little pale.

"So your name is..." I cut Okami off.

"Luna. My name is Luna Croft and if you say other whys I will kill you." I threatened.

Okami just smirked, "Alright. Your name is Luna, but I call you Scythe, right?".

I nodded, "Yes. That is correct.".

Okami glanced over my shoulder, "It's time for me to go and you to meet your new boss." And then, using her chakras, Okami pulled herself up over the wall and disappeared. Then I turned around and went to formally meet L and J.

Jade's POV:

I saw Scythe talking to someone.

Probably someone from her gang, I thought. As L and I waited for Scythe to finish her conversation we sat down and ordered some donuts. "So. How are you?" L asked with a mouthful of donut. I gritted my teeth. This was typical L. "I'm fine. You?" I replied.

"Oh just fine. You know, it's been a long time since we've had time to talk." L was so casual about it. I hated it. "Enough the formalities L. We both know this isn't you." I growled.

"What if what I was saying wasn't just a formality? You're very quick to judge." L stated.

I rolled my eyes, "Oh please. Anything that isn't about sugar or a case that comes from your mouth, is a formality. Also, I learned to judge from you.".

L shrugged, "Most of the time that first statement would correct, but unfortunately, not today.".

I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrows, "And what is so different about today?" I asked. L looked at me and at first said nothing. He looked almost conflicted, like he didn't know how to respond to my question. Which honestly, made me a little nervous. L was never flustered like this. He always had an answer for every question, and as aggravating as it was, it was normal. This wasn't. Finally L spoke, but not what I predicted, "Because I'm with you." He said blandly.

Before I could reply, we were interrupted as Scythe sat down, "Hello." She said rather coldly, and to formally.

"Ah. Miya." L replied.

Scythe rolled her eyes, "Please, just call me Rin outside of school.".

"Very well Rin. So you may want to know what we expect you to do." I started.

"Yes, very." Scythe replied.

"Well, we don't exactly have anything for you know to do expect what you're already doing. We're planing on hiring others of your...skill set. Until then, you will continue doing what your doing and report your findings to us. Understand?".

Scythe took a moment to think about my words before she finally plastered a ridiculously fake smile across her face, "Of corse. You couldn't make it any clearer. Is that all?" She asked. I gritted my teeth. L was the one who answered, "Yes Rin. Thank you. You may leave now.". Scythe quickly got up and left. I finally turned back to L, "When you said, 'because you're with me', what did it mean?" I almost slapped myself for sounding so childish. I didn't have to know, and I didn't really care. Or did I? "Does it really matter?" L asked.

"No, not especially, but never the less, I would like an answer." I replied.

"You're a smart girl. You can figure it out and besides we don't have the time. We must go and continue our search." L rose from his seat and looked around before saying, "Very good donuts. Wouldn't you agree?" He asked. I smiled. Leave to L to end on the most sugar based topic as possible. "Yes they were wonderful. Let's go." I felt almost content. It was weird. Was it just the weather? Or was it something else? I couldn't tell, but at the moment it didn't matter. I got up and L and I walked off not saying another word to each other.

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