Chapter 5: New Feelings; New Problems

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Jade's POV:

I sat on my couch eating...and thinking. Did L really love me? Or was this another test? The one question I couldn't shake no matter how hard I tried was, do I love him back? I didn't know and my head was spinning with questions I couldn't answer. Then I heard a knock at the door. I ran to open it and in it stood Watari. "Oh. Hey Watari. What are you doing here?" I asked, stepping aside to let him in. Watari walked in silently and didn't speak until I closed the door. "L told me what happened." Was the first thing he said, and I wanted to slap him.

"Really?" I gritted my teeth. L was always sending someone else to clean up for him. I hated it. "Yes and I want to talk about with you." Watari continued.

"I'm sure you do." I replied blandly. Watari walked into my living and sat down in a corner chair. "You can sit." Watari mentioned, seeing me standing. I stiffly sat down after shooting a glare at Watari. "Well." I promoted.

"He wasn't lying." Watari said.

"What?" I asked absentmindedly.

"When he said he loved you he wasn't lying." Watari repeated.

I smirked, "Geez. Now your in it too? This is a pretty elaborate prank.".

Watari gave me a deadpan look, "It's not a prank J." He said.

My eyes went wide, "But it has to be. I mean, L couldn't...I couldn't..." I was stuck for words.

Watari just stared at me, "Why can't you?" He asked.

"Because, there's a deadly criminal on the loose and we can't let anything, ANYTHING, get in the way of our job." I explained.

"So by saying that, do you finally admit that this isn't a prank?" Watari could be deadly with his words when he wanted to be.

"No." I said coldly.

"The longer you ignore a problem the harder it becomes to resolve." Watari explained all zen like.

"Even if this was real and even I did like L back, we still have a case to solve and that comes first." I stated firmly.

"You know why L chose this case?" It was a strange question to ask right now, but I knew Watari would find a way to tie it in to our current conversation.

"He thought it was interesting. The normal." I answered.

"Not only that." Watari added.

"Then what?" I asked, getting a little annoyed.

"It was in Japan and L knew he'd be able to see you again." I froze, inside. Not on the outside. "He's really missed you J." Watari continued. That's when I realized how much I had missed him. Without everything seemed to easy. No competition. No witty remarks. No real arguments. In my heart I had known that I missed him, but I never admitted it, even to myself, but was really just that? I did love L. I knew that and I'm sure Watari knew too. He always knows when it comes to stuff like this. Feelings. I loved L. I really did, but even if I was to admit it, it would impossible. Not with Kira running wild, but if I ignored it, the pain would just get worse.

I had a problem, and no clear solution. Love or pain?

Scythe's POV:

I sat in the park. It was a sunny day and children were out running and playing and laughing. Like I used to do. It was a Saturday and I had been in school for a few months now. Ciro kept things running at home while I studied school work. She also kept up the crimes. I couldn't let people loose interest. To the public I was a ghost. Scythe was a ghost that even the all powerful Kira couldn't catch. Our crimes were done at night. We all wore black masks so you couldn't see our faces and we always worked quickly. Hit and run. Just the way I liked it.

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