Prologue 3: Goodbye

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It had been around three years since I joined up with Chase. Ciro and I have become trained killers and criminals. I always used my scythes, while Ciro preferred her hand gun. We had gotten a name on the streets and my old name of Luna was almost nonexistent, it had been replaced by a new name, Scythe. Ciro or Clarissa was now Fire Arms. A strange name, but it meant we were well known, and that's a very good sign. I also made it a point to erase anything that led people back to our time as orphans. I made sure no trace remained of us. Chase and I would fight a lot. Whether it was about what to do next or that she didn't like the food I got, we fought, but we were really close. After all, if hadn't been for Chase, Ciro, Kenyo, and I would have been goners and we are thankful for her and all she has taught us. Around this time, a new threat was rising.

It wasn't the police or even the orphanage people. It was a new type of criminal. A murderer, but not a normal murderer. This guy murdered criminals and didn't even have to be there. Of corse, me, Ciro, and Kenyo knew exactly how he did it, a Death Note. The concept of more death notes in the world was very frightening. I never used mine. I didn't like to cheat, but by the way these criminals were dropping, either from heart attacks or something else, this guy wasn't stopping anytime soon and didn't seem to consider the consequences of using a death note. The minuet you write a name in your death note, you are destined to have a life of pain and you'll be unable to enter heaven or hell for eternity. The only I even considered using my death note was to kill my parents but they died before I had to.

Now that I can kill just as quickly with my team, I had no use for a death note, but I kept it because I wanted Kenyo to stay and it would be useful later on if I decided to investigate the case. Now I have shinigami eyes, but I can only see names, and since Ciro was banished from the shinigami realm she no longer saw lifespans. So I would have to relay on Kenyo to tell me if another shinigami was near. Thankfully, even though Kenyo wasn't exactly banished, he had no interest on returning to the shinigami realm. He made very clear he was staying on Earth with me and Ciro. So he might break the rules of being neutral for me.

I never really knew if I wanted to find Kira. I had no reason to. There was absolutely no chance of him finding me and he couldn't kill Ciro since she's a shinigami, but one day that changed. I was having another argument with Chase about how to work around this Kira, "We should slow down our crimes. It's obvious he's in this region." I said.

"How the hell would you know that?" Chase asked, angry.

"Because the first criminal he killed committed the smallest crime which shows that it was an experiment and that he hasn't been killing for very long. Also, the channel in that was broadcasting the criminal was only being shown in this region which means he's somewhere around here, and finally, the criminal was from Tokyo which somewhat points to the fact that this Kira might be in Tokyo. Hence we need to slow down our crime rate and do less serious crimes." I was even impressed with myself that I was able to come to that conclusion. I had never given myself credit for being smart. Chase was equally, if not more, impressed than I was, "Wow. You found that out with just a few kills?" Chase was shocked.

I nodded proudly. "Wow. Well when if you say so I guess it'll be al-- ARG!" Chase fell.

"CHASE!!" I cried. I ran to her side and in no time Ciro was on the other side. I held Chase in my arms like she was a child, "Kira--that--bastard." Chase sputtered out, "Avenge--me." And Chase fell silent. I looked at Ciro or 'Clarissa' she shook her head solemnly, "CHASE!!! CHASE!!! NO WHY?!?! WHY!?!?" Tears came like a waterfall as lakes formed at the bottom.

"That bastard Kira. He'll pay for this with his life." 'Clarissa' growled. I gripped Chase. She was right. Ciro and Chase. Kira would pay, even it took me years to find him, he would pay with his life. That was the day I shut out all emotions. Both me and Ciro closed our hearts that day. After all we had felt pain before, but it can never prepare you for the pain in losing a friend. Especially a friend that had saved you three years earlier. That night, we burned Chase. To our surprise a few criminals came. There were two brothers. One had blonde hair and blue eyes. The other had light brown hair and light brown eyes. They looked about my age. Then there was a man around his early twenties. He had tan skin, dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes. He was also carrying a sniper-rifle. Finally, there was a girl who looked about 16 with bright red hair and purple eyes. She was wearing a belt with all sorts of knives attached.

I stood near the fire with Ciro directly behind me. For the last time I prayed a small plea.

"Dear God,

I will never speak to you again, but I do tonight because I ask of you one last favor. Please bring Chase to you. I do not deserve your company, but she does. Chase as done so much for me and Ciro. She saved us and raised us. Without her, we'd be back under the whip of the orphanage overseer. So please, grant Chase safe passage to you. Please bring up her soul instead of pushing it down. This I ask with every bit of my remaining heart. Do not punish like Kira did. She never killed. She just stole, but she had to. She was desperate and no one would let her in. Please have mercy on her and let her come home at last. Let her long, tiring journey be over and please, bring her home.

Signing out for the last time,

Maria and Amen."

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw the twenty year old man standing there, "You knew her?" He asked.

"I knew what I needed to, and I knew that she didn't deserve this." I stated firmly.

The man smiled, "What is your name?".

"Luna." I spoke without hesitation, "But some people call me Scythe.".

"Ahh. Scythe, we've heard a lot about you." The man gestured to the rest of the group, "And this must be Fire Arms or Fire for short.". I nodded. Ciro came forward and stood firmly by my side, "I never imagined you two to be so young, but Chase was a great teacher." The man spoke very fondly of her, "My name is Michel. Those two are Maki and Taki, and that's Sio.". Sio was the girl and Maki and Taki were the brothers.

"So what are you going to do now, Scythe?" Sio spoke that name with disgust and I already hated her.

I stood up glared at her, "I'm gonna do what Chase told me to do, avenge her.".

Maki, through his mop of blonde hair looked up, fear in his eyes, "But that means-".

"Yes. Me and Fire are going to hunt down Kira. He started this war, and I intend to finish it. You all can do as you wish. Just don't get in my way cause I won't hesitate to let my scythes end you." I growled.

"We'll help. We all knew Chase too." Taki spoke with all the confidence in the world.

"Like I said, you may do as you wish, but be warned once you start this you can't back out. Not just because I'll be forced to kill you, but because Kira will still hunt you once he realizes that we're hunting him." I warned them, but they weren't deterred. I had just got a huge boost to my group, "And one more rule.". Everyone looked at me, "I'm in charge.". Before anyone could protest I stalked away. Michel and the brothers followed, but Sio was hesitant. Once she realized no one was going to stop she ran ahead to catch up. I looked behind me once to see the dying fire. That was the last time I looked back, and would be the only time for years to come. The last time I looked back was to say two words, "Goodbye Chase." And then it was done. It was all done. I had a one track mind from then on, find Kira and kill him. Goodbye Maria. Goodbye Luna. Hello Scythe.

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