The Arrival ✺

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[Edited 2020-04-01]

There was a very short list of things Lilly Shadowheart hated but flying was one of them.
She supposed she wouldn't mind flying herself, but airplanes were just disastrous. She didn't like traveling by any other means than horseback.
She supposed that's why she'd come to Jorvik in the first place. You simply couldn't ride a hourse through Time Square.
Hopefully no one would mind her riding across Jorvik Plaza.
If she could get a horse.

Lilly was heading to Moorland Stables for the summer. It had taken her a while, but she'd managed to afford the airline ticket.
Now, how would she pay for the lodging and whatever else she needed at the stables?
That was a later problem she told herself.

She swallowed and looked out the taxi window. At home she would never have'd the money to afford a horse. But on Jorvik, the island of horses, it might be easier.

Lilly grabbed the handle to her bag as the driver slowed down outside Moorland Stables.

She'd just waved the taxi off as she heard a curious voice calling her name.

A guy about twenty or so stood leaning against the polished marble railing looking at her. 
"Thats me." She replied and looked him over.
You couldn't exactly say that he wasn't good looking. Because he was extremely handsome.

He had short black hair and hazel eyes. A white, a little dirty shirt, and grey pants.
And clearly he worked out too. He looked to have quite large muscles.
"I'm Justin, Justin Moorland, pleased to meet you and welcome to Jorvik. If you don't mind I need to get back to the stables as fast as possible, right now it's a bit hectic. A nasty boss from the big corporation G.E.D, Mr Kembell, is doing everything he can to evict us and tear down the stable to build condos there." He said all that very fast.
Lilly nodded at him as he picked up her bag and gave a questioning look. As if to ask okay?

She'd read about that company. G.E.D. Nasty thing of a boss they had too.

He marched quickly towards the iron gates that marked the entrance to the stable' grounds. Lilly hurried after him, she didn't want to lose the sight of him among all the people and horses that seemed tyo come out of nowhere. He had her bags; the only things she had on this strange place.

And Justin seemed to have no intention of slowing down, holding her bag in a tight grip he seemed to almost disappear before Lilly tugged at his elbow which caused him to slow down.

"We are trying to figure out what we can do to stop him, but he's more slippery than an eel." Justin complained when she finally caught up with him. He talked almost more to himself than her.
Lilly laughed.
Not because she didn't understand the serious situation, she just couldn't imagine how that Mr Kembell looked like if he could be compared to an eel.
"Very funny, eh?" He turned his head towards her.
Lilly pushed away her will to laugh and took a breath. "Sorry, that eel thing just..." She trailed of seing the look on his face.
"Right." It was hard to hear if he actually had forgiven her but Lilly didn't need to wonder long. 

Trying for some light smalltalk she asked, "you work in the stables?"

Justin chuckled. "I basically live in the stable, my father owns Moorland stables."

"Oh." Wouldn't that be amazing. Lilly couldn't even imagine what it must be like to constantly be around horses. 

"First to the house?" Justin suggested and started running away with her bag.
"We've known each other for like five minutes and your challenging me already, Moorland?" Lilly shouted back keeping close behind him.
Wasn't it technically cheating that she didn't know which house we where running towards?
She decided that it was.

Can we just take a moment and think about how utterly amazing 'Say Goodbye' is?

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