Mrs Holdsworth

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I left Blaze in the stable, it would be easier to sneak around without him.

If I walked through the mini-forest I should find something that looked like a building site, Thomas had said.
In the left edge of it I should spot the power switch.
I grabbed the switch and pulled it in the different direction.

I spotted a worker some feet away and decided quickly that it would be beat to hide.
I hidd behind a tree and waited until he'd walked by. And ran back towards the Moorland stables. On my way through the forest.

Thomas laughed when I told him the "quest" had been successful.
"That's priceless. I think I could hear that dimwit screaming at his workers all the way over here. Now I've a little more time, just what I needed, thank you, Liza."
Hia voice was full of so much gratitude I didn't know how to answer.

I shared a trashy bunk bed with one of those bobcats girls. She told me that her name was Julie and that I should try to avoid speaking to her if not in case of emergency."

The next morning I hummed to myself as I walked into Blaze's stall and putted on his brown equipment. Thomas wanted to talk to me again.

"Liza!"  Thomas waved as I neared. "I think I know how to stop Mr Kembell! All I need is some way to prove my rights to this land. There's a deed to the Moorland stables which was given to my father over fifty years ago by the baroness Silverglade. Yes, she's the one resisting the castle up there." He pointed at the hills behind the constructionsite. And just as he'd said, you could see a magnificent castle rise to the sky. How had I not spotted that before?
"I have looked everywhere in the office archives but I can't find the documents anywhere. I may have an idea who could thought; Our old accountant, Mrs  Holdsworth. She knows all about our business and is sure to know where the documents are. She retired last year and now spends her days taking care of an orchard just outside the stables. Go see her, she should be able to find the documents!"
A tiny bit annoyed at playing messenger I instructed Blaze into a slow gallop.

Mrs Holdsworth lived in a small red house. A big garden with old trees around completely surrounded it.
Blaze slowed down in front of an old woman in grey clothes and red shoes.
"Mr Holdsworth?" I politely asked.
"Well hello dear, what can I do for you?" The old woman replied kindly.

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