Chapter Six

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"I can't lose her." He said sobbing into his hands. His body was shaking fiercely and it took everything in me not to join him in tears.

"She's losing herself, Ty" And it was the truth. Payson would never be the same after this lie. And I don't think I could stomach watching her continue to hurt. She was my little sister. I will protect her no matter what, I'd rather lose one friend than two

Breaking In and Making Out
I walked into school with my head held high. I was no longer going to be Payson the charity case. I was going to focus all of my free time that I no longer needed searching for Tyson, and put it all into one thing...getting my spot back as queen of the school.

I could tell people were shocked to see me so...bright today. I actually wore my smile like it never left. I was wearing a spring dress to match this bipolar weather. It was 80 degrees today. My dress was pale pink and I paired it with a pare of tan and white wedge sandals. Instead of my usually dry, straight hair I was wearing it bouncy and wand curled to my waist. I had on light make up making sure to pair my lips with my dress. And to rub it in a little more I had on the solid gold jewelry Tyson bought me two years ago on Christmas.

"Tell me who you are and what you've done with Payson!" Josh ordered playfully as he caught up in stride with me.

I laughed along with him and turned sideways to glance at him ," You might recognize me as Pay."

He gave me just the reaction I was looking for. His jaw literally dropped and he stared at me with wide eyes. "Pay as in my old best friend Pay?"

"More like new and improved Pay." I corrected clapping my hands.

"I like this." he spoke genuinely looking at me as if he wanted to speak further. He put on a fake smile and I knew then whatever he was going to say was gone now. Though my curiosity didn't dissolve.

"On a more serious note...are you okay?" I knew he was concerned he showed it on his face when he first laid eyes on me.

"In a way...yes. I feel like a huge weight of guilt has been lifted from my shoulders." I turned to him and put my small hands on his muscular shoulders. "And I have you. You were honest to me unlike anyone else. You tell me the truth about everything and since you're so honest and you don't keep secrets from me I wanna do the same."

I smiled at him and took a deep breath and spoke the words that I finally let myself realize, "I like Tyler."

Josh's POV

What the hell am I supposed to say to that? Not her admitting to like Tyler but that whole "honesty" lecture. I was not honest. I was the complete opposite. I was lying to her and it could've cost her life. I was selfish and I chose the wrong side. I'm not a true friend.

I turned the corner away from Payson's locker and was between the library and an old abandoned storage closet.

I asked Tyson to tell her the truth and obviously he didn't think I meant now. I yanked my phone out and dialed his familiar number with a growl.

"Hello brother." he spoke in such a Damon Salvatore manor.

"You didn't tell her?" I asked basically spitting fire.

"I said I would!" he snapped back.

"Tyson, she needs to know. I can't keep lying to her!"

"She's happier right?"


"Right?" he repeated.

"Yes, but that changes noth"-

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