All I wanna do is lay next to you

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Brandon's POV

I don't chase her. I don't follow her and try to apologize about everything that has broken us. After grabbing Stef's Budweisers , I spend half the night taking gulps of beer and begin rewriting her song. By midnight, I have stacked six cans on top of eachother. Ripping up her old song, I decide to settle the matter with Callie. Stumbling out of my door I begin to bang on Callie's door, sluring my words until I break down and begin to cry as I slide down and put my back against the door. Callie opens the door to my surprise.

Callie's POV

A drunken Brandon stumbles into my room and collaspes on my bed. He begins to apoligize and talks about how he just wants to be with me, how he always has.

" God Brandon, why did you get drunk?" I ask as he begins to get under my covers and kicks his shoes off.

" I'm just going to make myself at home. Oh, wait- this is my home." He says as he begins to laugh. His laughter turns to agony as he begins to double over in pain. I try my best to help him to the bathroom, but we don't get there in time. Dealing with Brandon at that moment was worse than dealing with a three old child. When I asked Brandon to sit, so I'd be able to clean up the mess, he'd stand, when I asked Brandon to go back to his room, he'd walk to mine. 

After I am finally done cleaning his mess, I walk back to my room to find a sleeping Brandon snoring. I shut off the light as I crawl into bed beside him. He wraps his arm around me as I kiss his cheek and fall asleep laying beside him.

Brandon & Callie FosterWhere stories live. Discover now