Chapter One: Visit

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Geno's P.O.V.

   I was crying slightly, fidgeting with my necklace, my phalanges brushing over the half heart. I was remembering my previous encounter with love. How could I be so stupid... I felt hot tears fall down my face, streaming out of my eyesockets. I cried, remembering what I allowed to happen to me, blaming myself for everything. I sniffed, rocking myself gently. Sobs wracked my frail body; cries were wrenched out of my throat as if they were drawn out by hooks. I gave up on finding my soulmate, I knew I was too ugly, too dumb, too useless, and whoever was unlucky enough to be my soulmate would be too disgusted to ever like me. I was alone and no one would love me. I kept crying, wallowing in my misery, enjoying my pain and smiling slightly, knowing I was too awful, and kept crying, disgusted at myself.

   I finally stopped crying after a couple more minutes, hearing a noise. I snapped my head up,  wiping my tears up in vain, as they kept on flowing even after the fabric brushed against my face.  I looked around my small Save Screen, seeing nothing but me and shadows, another reminder that I was going to be alone forever. I sniffed, trying to hold back tears, but failing. I looked around, seeing nothing... until someone stepped out of the dark.

Reaper's P.O.V.

  I was standing above my second-to-last victim. She was a female with light hair and dark eyes. She had a terrible case of asthma, and was slowly suffocating, tears running down her eyes. I smiled sadly, then softly talked to her.

 "Shh. Its going to be alright." 

   She smiled slightly, closing her eyes as I reaped her. I watched as her friends rushed towards her lifeless body, frightened. I slowly backed away, wanting to get away and back to the confinement of my home. I looked at my list of victims, crossing the name 'Ashlei' off the list with a red pen. I looked at the last name, the name that struck me as odd. 

   "Geno, huh..?" I mused. It was an odd name, and I knew no human mother would name her child that. "Hmm... must be a monster..." I sighed, hating the fact that I had to kill another thing. I teleported to the location that 'Geno' was supposed to be in. I was hidden in the shadows, and saw a small skeleton crying and sobbing. I tilted my head, this glitch was supposed to be dead a long time ago. I attempting to sneak up on him. He must have heard me, and whipped around. I stepped back into the darkness, studying his face. I could feel my face heat up.


   I whispered to myself. He was breathtaking. I stood there for a second, feeling paralyzed by him. Even though hot tears were flowing down his face, he was still beautiful. I waited until my blush died down, and then stepped out of the shadows.

   I saw the shock on the beautiful face of his. Tears slowly stopped streaming down his cheeks, and fear took over sadness.

"Hey~" I said. He wiped his face with tears, and I took a step closer. The small skeleton moves backwards a little, a mix of emotions on his face. Fear, Anger, Relief.... I wasn't used to the last one. Did he want to die..?

"W-who are y-you?" He stuttered. I chuckled slightly and then said, "I'm D E A T H." 

Geno's P.O.V.  

   The cloaked skeleton answered my question in a deep voice... which reminded me of the voice of my previous boyfriend... the kind of voice that I had fallen for. I felt my tears build up in my eyes again, threatening to spill out of my eye sockets. He must have noticed my tears and cocked his head. "Hmm...scared of Death?" At the remark my tears spilled out of my eye sockets. I usually wasn't such a crybaby( another name my ex called me..) but I was still recovering from some questionable thoughts that involved horrible things I would do to myself. The tall skeleton stepped forwards again. I suddenly noticed how close he was to me, and quickly scrambled back. He chuckled, and I could hear slight flirting in his voice.

 "Aww, what's wrong?" 

He asked me, and I answered in a voice that would have been intimidating if it wasn't for the tears still spilling down my face. 

"Go away." 

   The skeleton sat down a few feet from me. "Nah... I don't think I will." Hmph. I glared at him though my tears, once again whipping my face with my sleeve, which was now soaked. "Here, let me help you~" The skeleton leaned forward and whipped the tears of my face. I blushed slightly and then slapped his hand away. "Don't touch me! I don't even know your name!" I said angrily. He chuckled, and leaned back into his normal position. "I told you my name. It's Death. But you can call me Reaper, Geno~" I narrowed my eyesockets at him. " How on earth do you know my name?!" I asked the question in a mix of anger and fear. "Hehe." he laughed. "Oh, Geno..." He leaned in close. "I know more things then you could ever imagine~" I shoved his face away. "Don't do that! And go away!" He only laughed when I told him to go away. He then leaned back and put his hands behind his head. He stared at the 'ceiling'. I looked at him, with an incredulous look on my face. "You're going to stay?" I said, but secretly...I kind of wanted him to stay. It was a amazing change from being lonely and sad. But I knew that he was going to get bored of me... after all, I was useless and ugly and good at nothing. 

Reaper's P.O.V.

Geno was silent for a while. Then he looked at me and tilted his head. "W...Where's your necklace?" I looked at him confused, and then remember that I always tucked my heart necklace under my cloak. "Oh!" I brought it out and showed him. "You mean this one~"  Geno blushed slightly and nodded. "Heh." I laughed softly. I sat up, getting to my feet, my lose necklace bouncing up and down as I stood up. Geno looked at me surprised, and grabbed onto the hem of my cloak, and then let go quickly, blushing slightly. "Where are you going?" he asked, trying to hide his embarrassment from trying to forcefully make me stay. I chuckled and told him, "I still have a job, you know. I also need to go back home." He looked down, now clearly embarrassed. "Oh. Okay." I thought I detected a little bit of sadness in his voice, but shrugged it off. I crouched down to him, and grabbed his chin in my hand and turned his face to me. "Don't worry, I'll be back tomorrow~" Geno blushed, but then his expression suddenly clouded over. He looked like he remembered something awful. He pulled his face out of my hand and looked at me with an annoyed expression. I chuckled lightly. "See you tomorrow~" I turned and walked away, teleporting to my house in Reapertale. I saw Papyrus in the kitchen and hr turned to me. "Spaghetti will be ready in a minute!" He said cheerfully. I smiled at him and walked to my room, laying on my bed. I thought about Geno, and my face erupted into a blue blush. He was perfect... although I wondered what happened for him to be so distant...  

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