hey y'all- update?

600 17 26


big oof but
I'm thinking of maybe rewriting this book?? Maybe???


It's kinda and oof and I really think that, if I want this story to continue, I need to rebuild and restructure how some things were written


would y'all rather me re-write each chapter individually, still sticking to the major plot points n everything, but just make the writing and stuff better and more descriptive, less cringey, etc
Would y'all rather me unpublish the entire thing and have me re-write it from scratch, again still with the major plot points, but better and with an actual endgame in mind?

the cons to the first option is that idk how quickly and efficiently I could get everything done so if like, half a chapter or something is wonky or only like only three chapters are updated or something, ppl who are new to the story would get confused or not know what's going on. If y'all decide this option I'd have to put a warning?? Or something in the beginning

the cons to the second one is that I'm a major procrastinator and idk how long it would take for me to rewrite it all and so the entire story might be gone for an extended period of time

idk I'm kinda leaning towards the first option. please let me know what yall, the readers, think in the comments.

I don't know if any of y'all know this, but I do read every single comment I get. Even if I haven't even TOUCHED this story in like forever, I still really do appreciate everything y'all do

Anyways, thanks for over 45k reads and I look forward to hearing y'alls thoughts!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2019 ⏰

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