Play my game...

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Geno's P.O.V.

No...this couldn't happen.. IT COULDN'T HAPPEN... how could the bottle land on him... This is a dream. Another nightmare...right?

I started hyperventilating, my breaths were ripped out of my chest. Everyone stared at me, and tears pricked my eyes. Fell stood up and grabbed me.

"Geno, stop being a baby. It's only seven minutes." He dragged me by the arm and into the room where Lust was waiting. I struggled and cried, screaming. However, since I was still weak Fell easily overpowered me. I was shoved in the room, and the door slammed shut in my face. I sat there, pounding on the door. It was locked. I turned around to see Lust grinning at me.

"Let's have a little fun, shall we~?"

Reaper's P.O.V.

Geno screamed as he was dragged into the room. The Star Sanses gave each other worried looks, but Ink was furious. As soon as Fell locked the door and threw the key behind this shoulder and returned to the group Ink yelled at him.

"WHAT THE HECK DID YOU DO?!" He shrieked. Everyone looked at him, surprised. Including me. Nobody thought that the shy, artsy, lovable Ink was capable of such anger. Fell stopped in his tracks.

"U-uh.." Fell said.


"Uhh..No, I didn't know that.." Fell said taken aback.

Personally, I was surprised that Geno was even in a relationship. Wait. Was that the reason why Geno was so upset..?

"LUST WAS A STUPID, ABUSIVE BOYFRIEND WHO BEAT AND RAPED GENO EVERY DAY!" Ink said, his voice several octaves higher and many times louder that usual. Everyone was stunned at the news, and they all had shocked looks on their faces.

"But we just locked Geno in there with him..." Cross pointed out timidly while sitting on Nightmare's lap.

Everyone turned towards the door. Screams and shrieks echoed from inside the door. Oh no... Pandemonium broke out with all of the Sanses jumping to their feet, desperately looking for the key. Fell sat there, and just had a shocked look on his face.

Anger rushed through me as paces of a mysterious puzzle fell into place. That's why Geno was so upset.. that's why he never wanted to talk about it. I sat there dazed, not knowing what to do or what to think. Shrieks continued to come out of the room, which snapped me back to reality. I stood up and searched for the key with the others. Almost everyone was on their hands and knees desperately running their fingers through the carpet for something that seemed like it disappeared.

A sigh swept through the room as Ink stood up, triumphant, with a key in his hand. He then rushed up to to the large door. By now, the shrieks had stopped and the only noise coming from the room were faint whimpers. Ink fumbled, the key not fitting in the lock. Dream pushed him of of the way, and took the key from him. The key was turned around in his hand and finally fit. The door unlocked...and was stuck. Tear of frustration pricked my eyes as I pushed as hard as I could at the door. It didn't budge.

Fell was backing up, and everyone got out of the way. He ran at the door, slamming it open. Inside, Lust had cornered Geno in a corner, with Geno struggling against him. Lust looked over his shoulder to see us. Grinning, Lust turned around and...kissed Geno.

Geno had tears running down his face, and obviously didn't want it. Multiple Sanses went into the other room to pull Lust of the obviously traumatized Geno. As Lust was being dragged off, he winked at him, which only made him sob harder. Geno sunk to the floor, and I walked over to him; by now Geno's Head was in his hands and tears were flooding his eyes.
"Hey..." I said. Geno looked at me. His expression almost broke my heart. Poor Geno...
"I-I'm going h-home.." He choked through tears. I stood back as he teleported away. I stared at the spot where he once was until I heard footsteps come up behind me and a hand on my shoulder.
"Hey, it's okay.." Nightmare said, "I'm sure he's going to be okay."
   I turned around and looked at him, bitterly.
"No, he's not," I seethed, "Geno has not only physical but emotional scars from this. He won't forgive or forget probably ever." I paused for a moment. "And I swear if Lust touches him one more time I'm going to slit his throat."
   Nightmare sadly turned away. He looked back at me.
"It's so obvious you love him. Take it easy, though, okay? Just as you said, he's going to be scarred." Nightmare said before wrapping his arm around Cross and walking off.
   I stood there for a moment, processing what Nightmare had said. A blush erupted on my face as I finally comprehended what he said. Do I love Geno? I asked myself. It doesn't matter... I thought dejectedly. Even after all Geno's gone through I still don't deserve him...
   After I exited the room, Lust was gone. He apparently 'had work to do' and teleported off. Personally, I was rather angry at the other Sanses for letting him go so easily. I just hope Geno's alright... In a little while I'll go check on him.

Geno's P.O.V.
   I was in the Save Screen crying my heart and soul out. Why why why WHY? What did I keep doing wrong? I sobbed. I felt disgusted at what I allowed to happen to me again, even after I swore to myself that it wouldn't. I was simply distraught at what happened, and couldn't stop re-living those terrible moments.
   The feeling of his hands concerning me after I told him to stop...
   The feeling of panic as he drew closer...
   His smirk as he knew what he was about to do would haunt me in my dreams and in reality forever....
   I was lying on the ground when the teleportation noise could be heard. I sat bolt upright, thinking it was Reaper, here to help me. Because, in all honesty, I loved Reaper. And I hated to admit it to myself after what happened last time I admitted something like that.
   But wasn't Reaper. I knew as soon as panic flew through my soul like a small and helpless bird. I knew it wasn't Reaper by the sound of the voice who had spoken.
"Hello, Geno~"
   I turned around, only to be pinned to the ground, fear shaking my small body as Lust go on top of me.
"Let's finish what we started~"

   Pain could be felt everywhere on my small body, and after Lust was done with me he teleported off. My legs ached, and bruises dotted my arms, legs, face, and chest. I laid there, too weak to move, as I could feel blood and magic trickle down my inner thigh.
   I was to fragile and too broken to cry, so I was stuck in eternal pain and torture, waiting for me to lose enough blood so I could depart from this world.
   A single tear trickled down my face and fell to the floor. I knew this was the end. I tried to think of something happy...
Papyrus.....Ink, Dream, and Blue; my only friends... and someone who I knew I cared for more than I should...
   I cracked a broken smile and thought of the good times. The happy memories. Tears trickled down my face, but I refused to stop smiling....
...Even when the world went dark.


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