Chapter Three: Christmas Party..?

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Geno's P.O.V.

Reaper was over again today. We were talking, and I was sitting next to Reaper, who was laying on the 'ground' of the Save Screen. I was used to Reaper coming over; it has become a daily thing for the past few days. I was fiddling with my heart necklace, barely paying attention to the conversation.

"So Geno," Reaper said.


I said nothing, not paying attention to him, I was more concentrated on the necklace that was swirling between my fingers. Reaper chuckled.

"Geno~" he said again.

I finally snapped my head up, looking at him.

"Nice necklace~"

I looked at him, slightly blushing. "Wait. What?" I asked him, confused.

"Your necklace," he pointed to the half heart strung around my hand. "It's pretty~" I looked away.

"Whatever." I said.

Secretly, I enjoyed the attention and complements. But I would never admit it. Especially to him. Anyways, he probably just does this to get out of doing his job...I mean, who would even hang out with me? I decided to actually ask Reaper why he would even bother coming to the Save Screen.

"Reaper, be honest. Why on earth do you actually come here?"

Reaper turned his head, looking up at me in confusion. I folded my legs up to my chest. I repeated the question.

"Why do you even come here?"

Reaper took a while to answer, and during that time I braced myself for a big let-down. The silence was unbearable. I waited, and waited until Reaper finally gave me answers.

"I come here because you're the only one who won't get onto me about doing my work."

Reaper answered, and I felt sadness rush through me. I tried not to cry, knowing that I was really nothing. Why should you be sad? I thought. It's not like you... Then Reaper continued.

"Also," Reaper sat up and took his hand and placed it on my chest, slowly pushing me to the ground until I was lying on my back. "I think you're cute~" I blushed slightly.

"Wait, w-what?" I said.

He leaned over my face, staring at me, his eyes looking me up and down once before saying, "You heard me~"

I blushed; I could immediately feel my face heat up. Reaper leaned down, his face in front of mine. He put his hands on either side of my head, and put both of his legs on either side of my waist, straddling me. I blushed even more at the position we were in. Reaper leaned even more, his face almost touching mine.

Part of me wanted to shove him off, or scream, or do anything I could for him not to close the gap between our faces. But....somewhere deep inside of me...there was another part that wanted what was to come, or even be the one to close the gap myself. Before I could even decide what to do, I felt my phone vibrate and ring in my pocket.

I scrambled to grab my phone, almost bonking skulls with Reaper as I sat up; Reaper draw back his head, sitting up and pulling me on his lap. I blushed and shoved him away, sitting next to him. He just laughed and placed his hand on my leg. I grabbed his hand and shoved it away, my phone almost slipping out of my hand as I did so. I quickly pressed the answer button.
"Heya Geno!" Came a cheerful voice from the other end. Oh. It was Blue who called.
"Oh, um hi!" I said in return, hoping my voice didn't give away how blue my cheeks were.
"Well," Blue said. I could hear the trouble in his voice; it was practically oozing with mischief. "I was wondering if you wanted to come to" Oh no not this again. I hosted a party last year and it was a disaster.
"Blue you know I hate parties." I said, unsure if agreeing to go was a good idea or not.
"Pleeeeeeeease?!" Blue begged.
I sighed and told him I would be there. Blue told me to invite Reaper too, but since Reaper was the annoying jerk he was, he already heard the whole conversation. I hung up, the party was soon and I needed to brace myself mentally.
He might be there.
Reaper looked at me, a sly grin on his face.
"Geno~" he said.
I asked his what was wrong, preparing myself for his next answer.
"Are you gonna wear something to the party?"
Oh. That was a...fairly normal question. I pondered his question for a while, before deciding that I would just wear what I usually did; I hated fancy clothes.
"No." I answered back.
I realized what I said and how Death took it a little too late. He wiggled his eyebrows at me, a perverted grin plastered onto his face.
"THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!" I shrieked, my face heating up.
"You sure~"
"YES!" I knew my blush was horribly noticeable by now.
Reaper continued to tease me about it for the next few minuets, annoying me constantly. I tuned him out and took the ample time to study his face. His skull was smooth, and his eyes were dark. I looked at his eyes the most. The two caverns were black and empty(like author-chan's soul) and without any eye lights. His eyes intrigued me, and I could look at them forever. However, I didn't want to stare, and made my gaze travel to beneath his eyes to..bags?
Reaper had bags under his eyes. That's...unusual. I would have thought that someone as confident as him would..well... be happy.
"Reaper." I interrupted his teasing. He paused mid sentence.
"Yeah Geno~"
"Why do you have bags under your eyes?"
He froze. Reaper's smile dropped from his face, and all humor and teasing left his eyes and voice. He looked at me dead in the eyes, and slowly asked,
"Why do you care?"
I was taken aback a little bit. I never expected him to be so..cold. I must have portrayed my feelings on my face, because Reaper automatically put up a fake smile.
"Heh. Do you care about me Geno~"
He continued talking, but I didn't pay attention. I knew a fake smile when I saw one.

I've done it too many times myself.

Heyo! I hope you all enjoyed this chappy.
Also sorry about the horrible cliché part idea.
Check out Mezmerelda !

Fun fact: while I was writing this I had gouliday stuck in my head THE ENTIRE TIME.

"Ooo oooo, ooooo oo o o ooooo"

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