It's going to be alright...

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I hope ya'll get snow; I did! Also, sorry for the late update. I kept procrastinating.....But seriously. I'm sorry. Also, I have some new ideas for one-shots so expect some new ones out soon since I'm out of school for two weeks due to winter break.

But anyways, enjoy the chapter!


Reaper's P.O.V.

   "How do you know if you've found your soulmate?"

   The question bounced around in my head. What does he mean? Could he love someone else? I thought. He didn't seem like a very sociable person, an introvert no doubtably. Could he really know that many other people?

   "I mean," he continued, "I just..." Words seemed to be failing him. "I just don't know!" He said, gripping his mug of coffee I had handed him moments before.

   I walked over to the table he was sitting at and pulled out the chair across from him. I dragged it over so that our chairs were right next to each other, and I sat down in it, easing my body onto the chair's hard, cool, and wooden surface.

   "What is it, Geno?" I asked gently, hoping that he would say something other than that he found someone else. Someone besides me.

   "Its just..." He took a long and shaky breath in. "When I was dating...him." I nodded, knowing who he was talking about. "He always took my necklace from me."

   He paused, setting down his cup down to grab his necklace. "He would..put his up to mine and...well, they would..match."

   My eyes widened. No...He couldn't be...

   "It isn't like you're thinking!" Geno then said hurriedly. " smashed them together or something. I was..weird.. to say the least. I could tell it was forced, like how you can fit unlike puzzle pieces together but you know that it isn't the correct piece." He shuddered.

   I slowly exhaled relieved. Thank the gods....

   "But..." he continued. "I was thinking... what if that's the closest thing to my soulmate?" Geno started tearing up. "What if he's the only thing that's there for me? What if he's soulmate?" He whispered the last part, looking me in the eyes. I could see fear in them; he didn't want this.

   I reached over to him, wrapping him in my arms. He stiffened, but eventually melted into the hug, pulling me closer. I smiled.

   "Listen," I said, rubbing his back to comfort him. "He's not your soulmate. You hear that? There's no way that he is. Okay? So calm down. Calm down... Shh...It's going to be okay. Got it?"

   Geno nodded, breathing in slowly and exhaling even slower.

   I pulled away, smiling softly at him. "You good?" I asked, making sure he was okay.

   "I'm good." He answered.

Geno's P.O.V.

Reaper hugged me. I stiffened before hugging back. I wasn't used to this kind of attention, especially from someone I lov-


I couldn't like him. I couldn't....I just....couldn't.

Reaper pulled away, studying me face and reassured me. I felt better and he retreated back to the counter to where he was previously making food.

I watched him, grabbing the mug in front of me once again. I was..entranced. The way he moved, the way he breathed. The way that he could melt me with a single glance.

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