He's Here...

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Geno's P.O.V.

   Oh. No. No, no no no NO! I can't be him... not again.....
   I started hyperventilating, breaths shaking my frail body. I hid behind Reaper, hoping this nightmare of a monster wouldn't see me...
   My heart was racing and tears filled my eyes. Reaper turned around and looked at me.
"Geno...are you okay?" He asked.
   I heard titters of conversations from the Star Sans behind me. They were the only ones here who knew what happened. Who knew what he did to me...

Reaper's P.O.V.
   I turned around to see a Sans walk through the door. He had an showy outfit, with magenta and blue jacket with heart-eye lights.
   I never liked him, but whatever distaste I had for him was nothing compared to Geno's terror. His whole body shook, breaths struggling to manifest in his chest. He clung to my arm like it was a life raft and he was drowning at sea. Geno hid behind me, cowering.
   This wasn't like the snarky Geno I was used to..no. This Geno had a sense of terror and animalistic fear in his eyes. Geno shook like a leaf in the middle of a gale of wind.
"Geno...are you okay?" I asked.
   Either Geno lost his voice or fear closed up his ability to speak. Low chuckling drew my attention away from Geno and back to Lust. He was walking toward us, his eyes spotting Geno in an instant. Geno cringed under his gaze, but his eyes didn't give way to tears yet.
   Lust was in front of me. He was....my height? That surprised me because usually G and I were the tallest...
"I believe you have what's mine~" Lust purred.
   At this Geno finally let tears flow. He pressed himself up against the wall to try to escape when Lust took a step forward. He chuckled at Geno's action. These two must have some big history. Is this why a Geno was always so depressed?
...Is this where Geno's scars came from..?
   I positioned myself in front of Geno.
"You're not getting anywhere close to Geno." I growled.

Geno's P.O.V.
Reaper...stood up for me? Even through go my panic , fear, and terror, I felt touched. This was the first time anyone has done that for me. However, when he laughed it brought me back to submerge and utter fear. I slip to the ground crying. Reaper looked back at me.
"Listen, Lust. Geno's terrified of you. So go." Reaper said with an intimidating undertone.
"Good." Lust said. Then he paused. "Geno didn't tell you what happened?" His voice held curiosity laced with venom. In return Reaper just glared at him. Lust winked at me and walked off, sashaying.
   Reaper sat down next to me. The Star Sanses intensely watched us. I could tell they worried for me, but I knew they were thinking about other things too. Terror still gripped my soul from my encounter with Lust, and put my head on my knees and my phalanges gripped my skull.
"Shh..." Reaper said. He wrapped his arm around me. I could feel someone's gaze on us once he did so, and I knew the glare belonged to Lust. I shivered, and more tears ran down my face. It was getting awkward for Blue, apparently, so he shouted, "ALRIGHT, EVERYONE!" I jumped, easily spooked.
"I WANT EVERYONE TO GET IN A CIRCLE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROOM." He continued. Everyone complied, eager to do something at this party. Lust sat as far away as possible, and I was extremely thankful. Blue stood in the center of everyone and announced what game we were playing.
   My heart sunk. I hated this game.
   Blue placed down a lemonade bottle in the middle of the circle. Someone shouted out where he got the bottle. Blue only giggled and replied he got the beverage from someone by the name of 'Itward'.
   Interesting name.
   Ink, admittedly very reluctant, spun first. It landed on Error. I grinned, tear tracks on my face already starting to fade. I've been wanting them to get together forever. Blue lead them over to another room, where they spent their turn in. They both came out looking a little more disheveled and blushing.
   Reaper was sitting next to me and elbowed me in the side.
"They make the perfect pair, don't they?" He said. I laughed a little and replied with a yes. Blue declared who's turn it was next.
"Geno, it's your turn!" He said. The smile drifted off of my face. I leaned forward, dread pooling in the pit of my stomach. I reached out and spun the bottle. It passed different sanses- like Classic, Fell, Sci, Dust......
...and landed on Lust.

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