Chapter Two: Many Questions

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Reaper's P.O.V.

I woke up panting, sweating and crying. This was the worst nightmare yet. I put my head in my hands, trying to stop the tears. I hated this. The endless lack of sleep. Why...why could this happen to me. I thought after meeting Geno they would end. But no, he only made it worse. I sighed, shoving the covers off my legs. I changed into my cloths, and then changed out of my black PJs. I walked down the stairs, fairly hungry. I walked into the kitchen, expecting to see Papyrus, but instead I was greeted by the large body of Undyne.

"Hey, Punk!"

I smiled at her, waving and saying hello. She was perched on the counter swinging her legs back and fourth. I hoped tear lines weren't showing on my face. I wondered where Papy was, he usually was up and cheerfully making 'Breakfast Spaghetti'. I tilted my head, talking to Undyne.

"Hey, where's Papyrus?" I asked her. She smiled at me and told me that he was in the bathroom. I nodded my head, that seemed like something reasonable. But she sounded so suspicious that I wasn't sure. I took the bait, though. I turned around. "Bye, Undyne. Tell Papyrus I'm going out. I don't have work today." I walked out the door, unintentionally slamming it closed. I trudged a little ways away from the door, before snapping my fingers, teleporting to the Save Screen.

Geno's P.O.V.

I was laying on the 'floor' on the Save Screen. Why isn't Reaper here? I wondered. I sighed, figuring I was only an excuse to stay away from reaping souls. I tried not to feel sad. The last thing I needed was to get attached to him. I pulled my heart necklace off my chest, and then let it go again, it falling back to my shirt. I wondered if I would ever find my soulmate... I sighed. These thoughts were pointless. I knew that most people found their soulmates easily. But the problem was that I was so undesirable that even my soulmate wouldn't like me... These thoughts have been drilled into my mind; every day my 'boyfriend' reminding me frequently. I tried not to cry, I didn't need anymore stress. So I took at shaky breath in, and a shaky breath out. I sat there for a few minutes, calming down. I needed to keep.... ah, screw it. I let tears flow down my face, I was such a crybaby. I wasn't usually like this, and I knew it. It was just all the stress, and the looming feeling of depression. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and it turned me around. It was Reaper. I sighed in relief, still crying. Reaper chuckled a little bit, and sat down.

"Why is it whenever I come over, you're crying?" he said. I sniffled, and whipped my tears on my sleeve. I muttered that I didn't always cry. Reaper just laughed. "Hey, don't get all aggressive. It's my fault you're such a crybaby." At the last word, I absolutely broke down. Tears fell down my face and sobs were wrenched out of my throat. Reaper looked surprised, and then his face morphed into a face of regret.

Reaper's P.O.V.

When I said the word 'crybaby' Geno just...fell apart. I looked at him, surprised, and then immediately regretted everything. I started panicking. Oooh great! How could I have made him cry.... What did I do... why did this precious angel cry... he's kinda cute when he cries... I needed to get my thoughts in check. I sat there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. I continued to just sit there and watch as he kept on sobbing and weeping his heart out. I finally got my act together and slowly leaned towards him, putting my arms around him in an awkward hug.
"'s okay..."
   After a while a Geno stopped crying, and he sniffed a little bit. "Sorry...I don't cry very often..." I chuckled. "Yeah. Sure you don't~" All the little tsundere did was glare at me, blue slightly tinting his cheekbones. "Whatever.." he muttered. I laughed.
"So Geno...~"
   He looked over at me again, his necklace, this time untucked and lose on his chest, anticipating my reply. However, I didn't give one immediately; I was too entranced in his necklace. It was beautiful, although I noticed several cracks on the charm. I pondered how he could have gotten them...maybe I should ask....I'll do it later.
   Geno soon got tired of waiting and impatiently said, "So...? Are you going to finish your sentence or what?" I snapped back into reality then quickly replied with an answer of "Yes." I told him that, since we didn't know anything about each other, I might as well ask him some questions. He shook his head like he couldn't believe me, but played along anyways.
"Favorite food?" I asked.
"Ketchup." He replied. I chuckled a little bit.
"Favorite animal?"
"I don't have one."
"Okay... how about your favorite color?"
   Geno looked at me incredulously, before reluctantly answering. The questions continued for quite some time, each ranging from hobbies to handwriting.
"So Geno~" I asked, flirting.
"What." Was his bored reply.
   By this point, Geno was laying down, looking up while I was sitting next to him. I leaned over him, my skull directly over his, my heart necklace dangling from it's chain.
"Any kinks I should know about~"
   Geno's face erupted into a blush, stammering, "W-what?!" I got on top of him, straddling him at this point and leaned over him, my two hands placed on two sides of his head. I repeated my question.
"Like I said, any weird kinks I should know about~"
   Geno blushed even more, if that was humanly possible. Then he shoved me off, growling, I landed next to him, laughing.
"Oooh my gosh, Geno! That was hilarious!"
   Geno just grumbled, his face still desperately impersonating an ocean. I continued laughing, while he crossed his arms, sulking. He told me that it wasn't funny, and I shouldn't do that.

Geno's P.O.V.
   My arms were crossed, muttering insults and curses to the laughing skeleton on the floor. My face was still hot from when Death was on top of me.... GAH! I banished those thoughts from my mind. This was exactly what happened the last time I tried to love someone. Besides. Reaper probably only did it to annoy me. Someone like him would never like a horrible skeleton like me. Wait. Did I just say 'someone like him'?! Reaper snapped me out of my thoughts when he spoke.
"Oh, Geno! Your blush is so cute~"
   I said in a reply. After that, the questions went back to normal. It continued to if I've ever kissed someone before(which I stayed silent and didn't answer) to if I could cook, and if I liked puns(and a whole pun battle ensued after that) Finally, Reaper toned down his joking manner, and asked me a more serious question.
"Hey, Geno?" He asked my, laying down besides me. I turned towards him, expecting another silly question, but was instead met with this:
"Do you ever think you'll find your soulmate?"
   I was stunned. I didn't know what to say. This question was so unlike Reaper what I didn't know what to do. However, before I could muster a competent answer, Reaper started talking again.
"I've always dreamed of my soulmate. It would be nice to find someone who was just right for me." Reaper had this weird, blissful look on his face. I, instead of putting my opinion into the conversation, just fiddled with my half of a heart. Reaper then looked like he remembered something and then suddenly blurted out, "Geno. Why does your necklace have cracks in it? Did something happen?" I froze, my phalanges halted over the cracked shape of my half. I looked down, not answering. Death scooted closer, and pulled my head towards him.
"Geno, I'm serious. What happened....?"
I didn't say a word, my eye sockets filling with tears. Reaper must have known that he pushed my to far, and backed away again. "Neverm-" I cut him of by saying, "I'll tell you... later." Reaper sighed leaving it at that. I was grateful that he dropped the subject. He went on asking me about silly things, and I started to relax again.
   We stayed like that, talking and laughing, until evening. Reaper had to go, and for once, I was extremely sorry to see him leave. However, as soon as he said, "Don't worry sweetheart~ I'll be back tomorrow~" My attitude changed. I said goodbye, but as soon as he left I started feeling miserable again.

He used to call me sweetheart...

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