The Show

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Songs for this chapter:

Just put all of Shawn's songs on repeat bc he's amazing asf'! :-)

Kayla POV:

"Why are you so perfect?" I said to Jack as we walked away from the sisters and made our way to Shawn.

His eyes doubles in size, "Me? Perfect? Not even close. You on the other hand.." he smiled.

I could feel my cheeks blush and I looked away shyly. At that moment he grabbed my hands and turned me in his direction, "Kayla."

"Yes...?" I asked nervously.

"I just want you to know that i'm always here. I'll be here until... well, forever. You don't have to love me... or have any feelings toward me at all, just know that i'll always have strong feelings for you and i'll be there for you and with you through whatever." he replied and his seriousness was extremely noticeable. His eyes were big and staring into mine deeply, and I believed him. Every word he said, I believed him.

"I know Jack, but i'm just so confused. I'm so not my normal self. I'm worried, nervous, confused, anxious, happy, sad, and mad all at the same time. Whenever i'm with you i'm happy and feel loved, but when i'm with Shawn I feel comforted and at home, like everything is just right. You're a great guy and i've said this before, you're way too great for me." A lump formed in my throat.

I had no idea if I was making the right idea here again, my head was saying the opposite of my heart, but I was so hyped up on sugar, I could barely stay still or see straight let alone think straight.

He put his head down, shaking it.
"You constantly say that and it's probably the worst feeling in the world, other than the feeling of knowing that you don't like me."

"Who said I never liked you? I have a boyfriend and I really like him. If I didn't have Shawn it would be a different story, but I do. And I have really strong feelings for him. Maybe you should just forget about me and try to find a different girl.." I said holding back tears.

I didn't want him to find a different girl and forget about me, but that is what would be best. He needed happiness, not being caught up over me.

"You honestly believe that?" he stuttered and his face was blank of emotions.

I nodded. The word yes couldn't even come from my mouth, because I was telling the truth, but clearly didn't want that to happen.

The rest of the time walking was spent in silence. When we finally got to the main stage, we were escorted back stage and only had 10 minutes before Shawn went on and we had to head to the VIP section.

"I'll go get seats. Go see Shawn." Jack said shortly, but definitely not sweetly.

"Jack, please don't be mad okay. I'm sorry." I said as meaningful as I possibly could, but all I got as a response was a head shake and a throw up of hands.

Why was he being so difficult? Shawn was my boyfriend, NOT him, so why was he getting so uptight? I told him plenty of times that it wouldn't work out, but he wouldn't let it go.

I went to a door that had "Guest Dressing Room" etched on the door and hoped that Shawn would answer when I knocked.

"One second!" I heard a familiar voice shout followed by a opening of the door.

"Hey b-" he started to say, but I latched on to him before he could say anything else. "-abe" he finished as I let go.

"I'm SO sorry if I hurt you in any way! It wasn't my intention, truly it wasn't. You mean so much to me and I couldn't imagine my life without YOU, not Jack or whoever the reporters are saying i'm cheating on you with." I said to him so passionately that it sounded similar to a scene from a Nicholas Spark book.

I wasn't ready to go back to my last week of school and take exams, or go back home to a lonely apartment with my best friend and I, I wanted to stay here forever. Which I knew wasn't possible, but I liked dreaming.

"No babe, it's my fault. I need to learn to trust you around Jack. Just know that it isn't you that I don't trust... it's him." he said staring into my eyes.

"I know baby, but I should've stayed with you instead of going with the boys when we got here. I don't want to make you late to go on stage, so go kick some ass!" I smiled as he sat up from the chair.

"Don't worry I will and they won't mind if i'm late a couple minutes, especially for this.." he leaned in for a kiss and his lips gently met mine.

Ironically I ended up sitting right next to Jack, which for some reason I didn't think to be coincedental. I expected awkward silence with small breaks of "Hey can you get up for a sec? I have to get out to pee", but it ended up being casual and not awkward at all.

Even though it seemed like Jack was still tense and mad, he still acted like the perfect gentleman. When he got up to go get snacks from the concessions he asked if I wanted anything and even thought I said no, he still returned with snacks for me.

I felt bad, because he truly was everything girls look for in a guy.

It wasn't until Shawn's second to last song that Jack started an actual conversation and after that we couldn't stop talking.

We talked throughout Shawn's second to last song and i'm pretty sure it was noticeable considering we were pretty noisey and Shawn seemed to look directly at us.

"Well, I know i've had an amazing time tonight and I hope you all have had an amazing time too! I can't thank you guys enough for coming tonight and supporting me, not only tonight, but throughout my journey this far! You guys are absolutely incredible! This last song is Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran and it's for my lovely gir- yes it's official! My lovely girlfriend, Kayla! Thanks again everyone for coming out" was his last words and I felt tears form at the ducts of my eyes.

He could say 1000000 sweet things about or to me and I would still cry at each one. I guess it was because in my old relationship we never shared compliments or any sweet words between us.

The whole song I didn't look away from Shawn and he didn't take his eyes off of me.

It was now 7 o'clock and when the show ended Shawn held a meet and greet backstage, so because everyone was in line for that, the park was a bit tamed down and I decided to go for a walk by myself.

It felt nice just to be able to be out on my own again with no one really bombarding me with questions or asking for pictures, I loved the attention, but it felt nice to get away from it for a while.

It was dark and I ended up right in front of Cinderella's castle right before the fireworks show began.

"May I join you?" a voice asked quietly from behind me.

I turned around to see Spencers friendly smile.

"I'm not invading any private Kayla time am I?" he laughed.

"No, haha. Where are your friends at?" I asked.

"They a have a secret love for Shawn Mendes and found out he was having a meet-up. They couldn't miss it!" he joked, "nah only kidding, they went to get some snacks before the fireworks and before we head out."

"Well how sweet of you to wanna join me. Especially since I don't get to watch them with Shawn." I said dissapointed.

"I know, that sucks, sorry babe." he spoke sincerly.

"Do you ever question everything? Like all of your life decisions and wonder if you've been making the right ones?" I asked looking up at the moon.

"Well of course, everyone does. But you'll never know which one is right and which is wrong, so I guess the one you pick is always the right one. The hardest thing about risks is, if you don't take one, you'll never know what would've happened if you did."

Here I go again, thinking. My mind is always flustered with so many thoughts. But my mind cleared as fireworks shot above us.

HI BABIES! :-) Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! Please don't forget to comment and vote! You guys are amazing and I couldn't ask for better readers! You guys aren't just my readers, you're my friends!!! I love you all! xoxoxoxo!

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