Breaking Point

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Kayla POV:

I was sound asleep until I was awoken by arguing voices zooming across the room.

My heavy sensitive eyes slowly opened and the light from the room quickly sent a burn through them.

I woke up in Jack's bed with his body sitting on the edge next to me and Shawn on the other bed yelling back and fourth.

A migrane was forming and I started to feel ringing in my ears from all the arguing. I tried to ask what was going on without getting in between their argument, but they just ignored me, so I listened in.

"Why are you trying to steal her?! What have I done to you?!" Shawn spat at Jack harshly.

They were fighting over me? What happened? What did I do?!

Jacks POV:

"I'm not gonna lie to you, I do have feelings for her! I'm pretty sure you already knew that, but listen to me, I would NEVER do anything to sabotage your relationship. I'm much more classy than that and our friendship means a lot to me, Shawn." I rambled on truthfully making sure he understood.

I wasn't gonna throw Kayla under the bus, mostly because i'm pretty sure she wasn't awake and didn't remember it all.

I didn't wanna seem like I was blaming everything on her, because that wasn't the case. I should've limited myself, knowing I couldn't be able to stop myself if something were to get out of hand.

She was so irresistable.

Kayla POV:

"Is someone calm enough to tell me what's going on?" I asked genuinely confused.

"Why don't we start from the part where I wake up seeing you in bed with Jack?"

My heart dropped and beated at racing tempo, my cheeks flushed, and I felt my eyes grow 10x larger.

"I- Uh- I Don- I" I stuttered trying to make out a sentence, but my words were unreadable.

I didn't remember that, that definitely would've been something I remembered! Was I drunk?! Drugged?! What else happened... did we... No no no! I don't remember this. This is so bad...

"Can you explain yourself or are you gonna stutter all night?" I could sense the seriousness and I began to get nervous.

"I-I don't remember this happening.." I said truthfully, but sounding like I was being fictional.

"Of course you don't" he said sounding more disappointed or upset then sarcastic. He stood up, shaking his head and making his way toward the door, before he exited I grabbed his hand, twirled him around and kissed him.

"Jack, can we have a quick minute please?" I asked not looking away from Shawn's beautiful eyes.

"Whatever." he said angrily as he headed out the door before slamming it shut. I was so stuck in the moment that my brain hadn't quite caught up to my actions yet.

"We need to have like a revealing talk." I said biting my lip.

"What exactly is that he asked?" as he grabbed my arm and directed me to sit next to him on the bed.

"We just need to get everything off of our chests, once and for all. I'm sick of getting in pointless little arguments, it takes away from the time I could be hugging or kissing ya." I said smiling, " Abby was my old best friend, for years we were inseperable. She was the troublemaker and I constantly went along with her, we would sneak out to go to high school parties and I would always carry mints and gum just incase her breathe ended up smelling like alcohol. But, after a year or so I realized what was right and wrong and got a boyfriend and I wasn't spending as much time with her. I was still spending a majority of my time with her, but I dedicated some just me and him time and she didn't like that very much. So she went behind my back and ended up hooking up with him. I wasn't really angry, more so disappointed that she would even consider that. That was basically the last straw of her and I, I moved from Cali and never really spoke to her again until now."

"Whoa. Why didn't you tell me this in the first place babe? This changes like a ton."

"I didn't wanna throw it all at you and I know how much you love your fans. I'm pretty sure that she truly is a big fan and I didn't wanna change your opinion based on things involving me. I guess I didn't wanna influence your opinion and then me be wrong." I looked down.

"I understand, and it's amazing that you're so caring and thoughtful. You are so special and deserve someone so much better than me."

"No way! You are for sure my one and only!" I said growing a smile from ear to ear.

I wasn't ready to go find Jack and face him, I wasn't even sure of what to say.

"It's funny, no matter how many arguments we get into, I still am crazy about you. Sometimes they just make me even more crazy, because I don't wanna lose you." he said staring deeply into my eyes.

I bit my lip and smiled, "So... are you saying that you WANT to argue all the time?" I joked and broke the moment.

"WHOA! I NEVER said that!!" he said loudly and chuckled before he rolling me over and play fighting. The clock read 12:30 and I could my eyes heavily closing.

"I'm gonna go check on the boys and see what they're up to. Wanna come?" he asked.

"Nah, I think i'm about to crash, I feel exhausted." I said as my mouth opened wide to yawn.

"Alright i'll back in a few" he said as he walked toward the door

"Oh wait.." he said from the door and began walking back toward me.

He leaned in for a kiss on my forehead followed by the lips. "Now i'll be back in a few." he said smiling and shooting me a wink before exiting the room.

I was getting ready to get under the covers when I realized the tv was still on, but the remote was set right next to it, so I had to get up to turn it off.

I got up from the bed and headed toward the tv when I stumbled over Jack's bag. I didn't even notice it until I tripped over it. I'm such a walking hazard.

I began to pick up all the pieces that fell out and found a notebook buried at the very bottom. I know it was bad to dig through peoples things, but they fell out and I was just cleaning it up. Right?

The cover page of the notebook said video ideas, but when I looked inside it looked more like a journal.

He did have a few video idea pages, but on most pages there were dates and names. The entry sizes varied throughout the book, but it was pretty big overall. I flipped to the back of the notebook searching for any of the dates that he'd been here and found the very first day up until yesterday night... I spotted my name several times..


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