Chapter 20- The Flight

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"We will now close the main cabin door."

So goes the inflight passenger announcement.

My flight is in the early morning. I'm on a window seat on the left side of the plane. It is nearing the rear cabin so there is not much view of the front but I don't mind. I could get a clear view of the back of the wing and its moving parts.

The plane is now taxiing. I can see the wing's flaps drop down as I hear the engines rev up. Faster and faster the plane goes until I felt the wheels lift off the runway and heard them get pulled back up into the plane. I look out the window and see the wing's flaps back in their earlier position, just as the sun's rays are starting to peek through the clouds.

We are off the ground and we are now gaining altitude. I love this feeling!

It is estimated that one in five people have aviophobia or the fear of flying. But not me. Whenever I fly, I feel like a bird that's soaring gracefully into a big, wide-open space where I'm boundless and free to do anything. And right now, it feels poetic that I'm literally flying off into the horizon as part of the fulfillment of my dream to be an accomplished journalist.


A few minutes more into the flight and we will be allowed to remove our seatbelts. I could relax in the next three and a half hours. I barely had any sleep last night.

Samantha, who is beside me, yawned. You know when they say it's contagious? I followed suit by yawning too.

"Sleepy?" Sam asked.

"Very. Ang daming kong tinapos sa office kagabi," I told Sam, recalling the articles and other responsibilities I had to attend to last night.

"Haay. You and me both, we are on the same boat..." Then Sam pursed her lips, realizing how silly that expression sounded while inside an airplane.

We both laughed. "I mean, we are in the same situation," Sam repeated to emphasize her point.


"Ladies and gentlemen, the Captain has turned off the Fasten Seatbelt Sign. You may now move around the cabin. In a few moments, the flight attendants will be passing around the cabin...."

We then slouched a little and leaned our heads further back.

The announcements are still ongoing but I can already hear Sam's even breathing-- a sure sign that she has fallen asleep. I myself am feeling my eyelids becoming very heavy....



I felt Sam shaking me a little.

"We are about to land."

I sat up and looked out the window. The sun has risen fully and it looks like it's going to be clear, beautiful day.

From the looks of it, there was hardly any turbulence. Then again, I was asleep practically the whole flight. Kamusta kaya sina RJ? I can feel the plane descending and slowing down. The engine sounds different too.

I can see the flaps of wing coming out again. There are all sorts of noises as the landing gear doors are being opened and the wheels are being lowered.

Minutes later, a prepare-for-landing announcement came.

Welcome to Changi Airport!


"Maine, yung totoo. Pang ilang lingo yung damit na dala mo?" Sam asked, eyeing my baggage which is composed of two luggage and one backpack.

We now walking away from the carousel of the baggage claim area and moving towards the exit.

"Pang one week lang yan. Si Zoe, ang kulit e. She insisted I bring a blazer and a pair of pants for each day. Plus two jackets kasi baka malamig sa venues. Then, I brought three pairs of formal shoes, two pairs of sandals, and one pair of rubber shoes."

"Wow, ang dami nga!" she exclaimed.

"Plus, a swimsuit." I added.

With 1,300 hectares of land, Changi is a humongous airport with so many activities to offer. Unsurprisingly, it has received accolades as a top airport in the world. There are literally over a hundred eateries inside so Sam and I decided to have lunch here. Afterward, we can be ready to explore the country a bit before the summit starts tomorrow.

Forty minutes later, we found ourselves stepping out of Changi Airport. I felt nostalgic since Singapore is the first foreign country I've visited. The trip was my parents' gift to me when I graduated from grade school. Ten years down the line, it sure is great to be back.


After checking-in in the hotel, Sam (who is also my roommate) and I went down the lobby.

Since most of us reporters know each other from doing field work practically every day, we decided to sign-up on a half-day city tour.

The team from The Post included. We are booked on a different airline but almost on the same time. So, I am sure they too have arrived.

"San ulit hotel nina RJ?"

"Dito lang din sa Orchard Road, within walking distance."

The half-day city tour is scheduled at 2 p.m. so the tour bus should be here any minute now.

"Hindi ko lang alam kung sino ang unang susunduin sa atin."

After 15 minutes of waiting, the bus arrived. The minute the bus drove into the hotel driveway, I immediately spotted Jerald, RJ's photographer buddy.

The moment I stepped in the bus, people smiled and greeted me and Sam. After acknowledging them all, my eyes immediately roamed around to look for RJ.

"Jerald, where's RJ?," I asked with worry etched on my face.

"Huh? He said he was going to text you. Check your messages."

It occurred to me that my phone was still on airplane mode, so I had to wait for a few minutes for the messages to come in.




There it is.

RJ missed his flight!

A/N: no worries, nasa next chapter na si RJ.  :)  

Image: courtesy of Shutterstock video 

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