Chapter 40- Quarter of a Century

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Around 26 months ago...

Even from the driveway, I could smell the food aroma emanating from the kitchen.

"Hey, Globie!" I approached the friendly canine first before stepping inside the house. Everytime I come over, his tail would always wag around frantically that greeting him first became a matter of habit.

I fished out the house keys –- my own set! -- and entered RJ's townhouse. He is probably in the kitchen. All I needed to do was to follow the wafting scent.

"Hey! I'm just about done." He said as he looked up from the stove. I, on the other hand, looked around the kitchen island.

"I thought we were going out tonight?" I asked with a grin and wide-eyed surprise.

"I thought we could do something different, different from what we did on our anniversary."

Two months ago, RJ and I celebrated our first year together. We had buffet dinner in a hotel. Then we walked by the seaside and took a few rides at the nearby amusement park. It was sweet, romantic, and nothing over the top. Today is the day before my birthday. RJ and I decided to celebrate it earlier so we can enjoy it while it's just the two of us because tomorrow, we will celebrate it with the rest of the family.

"Yes, you're right because we had buffet dinner in a hotel too for Valentine's. Thank you for this RJ! Wow! Everything looks great! I really appreciate it. Ooh! Can I please have some of the prosciutto crostini? Pretty please?" I practically begged as I clasped my hands together in prayer.

RJ loud laughter rang in the kitchen. "Why are you even asking? Go ahead, birthday girl. Indulge!" Between the two of us, it's RJ who knows how to cook. He was forced to, living in an apartment during college. Although I lived on my own too during university days, I always resorted to eating out.

"You forgot something," he accosted lightly, his hands on his hips.

Ooh...assertive. But yes, I did forget something! I got too preoccupied with seeing him in a sleeveless shirt and apron. I walked over to the other side of the kitchen counter to give him a kiss.

"RJ?" I said, pulling away slightly from his lips.


"Amoy ano ka... sibuyas. Sibuyas at tomato sauce."

"I love it when you're so subtle." Then he proceeded to hug me tight to tease me more about his pungent smell.

"Eeeeekkkkk!" I pushed him away by tapping his chest hard. "Maligo ka nga muna!," I exclaimed to tease him back.

"Taking a bath now." He said as he went scurrying up the stairs.

"I'll set-up the table." I called out while he was making his way to the second floor.

"No need, Maine. Just give me 15 minutes and we will start with dinner. Don't move a muscle!"

That was a stern warning. Sya, ayaw mo napatulong sa pag-set ng table. Maghuhugas nalang ako ng pinaglutuan. I looked around the kitchen. He was done with the dishwashing and all the pots, pans, and utensils have been dried and put back in place.

"Ang OC talaga nito," I muttered under my breath.

Seeing that everything that needed clearing had been set aside, I resorted to turning on the TV. I was flipping through the channels when he appeared in the living room.

"Come with me?"

"Where are we are going?! Love, the dining room's right here," I reasoned, motioning towards the dining set.

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