Chapter 26- Hovering Cloud

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As a culmination of the Summit, the ASEAN leaders are signing the outcome documents that were discussed over the course of the last three days. These cover the steps to implement the ASEAN vision, as well as ways to ensure that regional agreements are implemented on a national level.

Being the host country, the Singaporean Prime Minister is presiding over the closing ceremony activities. After this, the ASEAN leaders will interface with the regional representatives of various sectors.

I spot Senator Lee in the audience. I'm unaware that he is here; I guess he is just attending this final day of the Summit. Seeing him now brought back the excitement towards my investigative piece that is due for publication tomorrow. It's a great thing that he is clear of the data breech we have uncovered- this greatly eased my apprehensions on doing the article. But since part of this job is to uncover the truth regardless of its nature, I would just have to grin and bear it. The Senator's name may be off-the-hook now, but I will be watching his moves, especially if he decides to go back to his former advertising business.


Right after the press conference in the afternoon, we all dressed and suited-up grandly for the Gala Dinner.

The Prime Minister- on his eighth speech for the day- joked about speech fatigue. But he still managed to give a heartfelt toast to punctuate the Summit that is on the fringes of culminating.

"I propose a toast... for peace, unity, solidarity, success, and friendships in this region, and most especially for the uplifting of the lives of our citizens."

With that short speech, this year's Summit has concluded officially. But for the seven young journalists in our group, our dreams of establishing ourselves as full-fledged media practitioners have only just seen the light of day.


At the gala dinner, Jerald asked "Does anyone know how to rebook a flight?"

I turned to him, as his question perked up my ears. "Just go their airline's website and find the new schedule that suits you. You have to pay a rebooking fee and the difference of the flight rates, if any."

"Thanks Maine. I really appreciate your help. I just got a message from home. My wife is in labor right now, so I'll try to catch the earliest flight back to Manila. She wasn't scheduled to give birth in two weeks, but I guess the little one wants out now," Jerald shared with excitement and nervousness in his voice.

I thought for a moment. "Oh, in that case, you are better off becoming a chance passenger. Just go the airline counter and see if there's a no-show. Just grab that slot."

"And congratulations to you and your wife!" I added in excitement. I myself am missing my two-year old nephew. Being the youngest in the family, I didn't think much about children. But since little Matti was born, my indifference took a 180 degree turn. All of a sudden, I'm fond of kids, especially babies and toddlers.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" I inquired further.

"A boy."

"Jerald Junior!" RJ butted in with a laugh. "Congratulations, man. I'm so happy for you," he added with a twinkle in his eyes.

Hmmmm... he strikes me as being fond of kids.

Husband material na yan, the voice inside my head nudged.

"Buti nga my in-laws are there to support her. As much as I would want to be there on the split second my son takes his first breath, I hope the labor doesn't take too long."

"We'll pray for your wife and son, Je."

"Thanks Jay. I know you too will make a good family man. Soon...," Jerald said while turning towards my direction to give me a playful wink.


Must my monthly 'woman thing' really come today? I thought as I woke to curl up and clutch my lower abdomen. No wonder I was in such a foul mood yesterday. I get up to head to the toilet.

"You okay?" I heard Sam ask after I stepped out of the bathroom.

It is only 5:50 a.m. but Sam is already up to make sure all her things are stuffed inside the luggage. Also, we have made it a habit to wake up this early so we can enjoy the buffet breakfast in the hotel. Nothing beats a fantastic early morning meal to fuel up the day. And I must say, after three straight days of waking up to this treat, this is the part I will miss most about this trip.

"No. I'm having abdominal cramps."

"Our first aid kit is on my backpack's side pocket. It's still intact. At least magagamit din natin kahit pauwi na tayo."

"Worth it ba ang pagdala?" I managed to joke after wincing.

"Here," Sam said while handing me the medicine. "But have a pastry first," she added as she handed me the roti bun we bought last night.

"Ang sarap nito," I commented. "Di ba meron nito sa Manila?

"Yep. I've seen a few stores specializing in it."

"I love it," I said while taking a big bite out of the buttery, coffee-flavored bread.

"I'm going to miss this place." Sam is already getting sentimental. This is her first overseas assignment too.

"I'm sure there will be more trips like this. But yeah, this one will always be special. Ang saya natin."

"Ang saya mo," Sam teased, referring to my dates with RJ. "Pahinga ka muna sandali. What time is RJ supposed to leave for Universal?"

"Eight Thirty. Why don't you head to the buffet now?" I suggested.

"Will you be fine here?"

"Of course. Enjoy the coffee and the omelet."

"And the pudding and the cereal... where do I stop?" Sam sighed with a laugh. "Call the coffeeshop's local if you need me."

"I will. Thanks, Sammy girl."

"I'll see you in Manila."

"Nah, I can still have coffee downstairs. I'll just sleep this off for an hour."

And with that, Sam nodded and stepped out the door.

Yes, I rebooked my flight but RJ doesn't know it yet. He is pushing through today with Universal Studios despite Jerald already jetting off home last night. I grabbed my phone to check on messages. There are none, so I went straight to setting the alarm at 7 a.m.

...the things I do for love.


Beep beep beep beep beep.

I turned off the alarm with a squint. The cramps have subsided but traces of it are still there. Why do I get the feeling that today's not going to be too good? Perhaps it's the premenstrual syndrome, except that the 'mens' is already here. I wonder if there's an alternative term for PMS when you already are in the midst of your period. If there's none, then there should be. Off to the bathroom now.


Is he ever going to be so surprised, I thought while walking along the hotel hallway. I was about to knock on RJ's door, but what I heard made my fisted hand pause in mid-air.

There's someone in there. It's a woman's voice... and it sounds an awful lot like... Amy's.

A/N: No worries, Amy is not a threat. Will post next chapter in a few minutes. Thanks and hang in there please!

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