Chapter 46- Back to the Party

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After six flashback chapters, we are back in the present time.

Continuation of Chapter 39- The Party

"You have yet to tell us the whole story about this ring," Chrissy said as she pulled my left hand to pertain to the jewelry that has become my favorite accessory. The first time she spotted me wearing it, she thoroughly scrutinized it.

"Because there's really not much story to tell. It's a ring that he gave me on my birthday last year. That's it," I told the girls.

"Okay then. No need to get worked up about it," commented Emily with an eye roll. "But we really think it would be so romantic if he proposes to you tonight before the party ends."

I laughed. "Nah, I think RJ would prefer a private proposal. And so would I...," I answered honestly and without a trace of defensiveness. "Anyway girls, let's end this mini conference and rejoin the party."

One by one, the girls stood up, got out of my bedroom, and found their way back to the party. I, on the other hand, stayed behind. I laid near the foot of the bed; the back of my knees touched the edge while my feet found the floor. With this part-lying down position, I got lost in thought.

I held out my left hand high up in the air, stared at RJ's promise ring and couldn't help but reminisce the events of our three-year relationship. If I agreed to an engagement last year, we would have been married by now. Perhaps I'd be even pregnant for real. But would I have finished my master's degree? Maybe I would have taken a leave from school in favor of concentrating on married life and work. I'm sure RJ would have gone on to finish his law degree but he wouldn't have that same income now.

It's true what Chrissy had said that RJ "may be busy, but money is not an object." Two years ago, one of RJ's fraternity brothers came up with an idea of a website that specializes in the authentication of things, mostly of luxury items. The site has a pool of experts signed up, then when a user needs to validate the authenticity of an item, he or she pays the expert a fee, then the site gets a share from the payment. Well, the even bigger news is that 10 months ago, an international tech company recognized the potential of this website and bought majority of its shares. RJ still has a few shares but when we are talking millions of dollars, these 'few' translate to hundreds of thousands of pesos each month.

Had RJ and I pushed through with the engagement, he would have pulled out this investment- his share from the sale of their Sta. Rosa property- to pay for the wedding. I'm certain because there was no way RJ would have let anyone else chip in, most especially me. And I'd be miserable with this thought because RJ had been concocting all sorts of investment ideas for this inheritance of his. It would have been unfair for him if this investment was not maximized fully because there was really no need for us to marry in a rush anyway.

The proverb by Voltaire, the famous French philosopher, comes to mind wherein he says that "some fruits should not be plucked before it's ripe". Or something to this effect, I thought with a smirk.

But I have no regrets; I'm just being contemplative, that's all. I think it was an excellent decision to not have jumped into an engagement at that time. Some things are better off waiting for at the right time. But should RJ propose tonight, as my friends have been so curious and eager to find out, I know I'd say 'yes' in a heartbeat.

Yup, I'm ready for it. So anytime he brings it on, I'm all in. I'm ready now. But knowing that he needs to review for the bar exams and adjust to his new profession, I think that it's not going to be anytime soon.


"Hey there. Are you okay?" RJ greeted as he saw me walk back into the party area.

"Of course."

"You took an awfully long time in your room. I saw all the ladies out here. I thought you were all together."

"I just stayed in my room for a few more minutes. I thought I could use a little quiet time," I said with a shrug.

"Ok. But I've really been looking for you." RJ started to talk with excitement. "I checked the Chronicle's website. It has come out."

"Really?!" I asked rhetorically since I got very excited myself.

"Yes! Congratulations, love! I am so thrilled for you!" He exclaimed as he squeezed me in a tight embrace. "So shall we make couple of announcements tonight before the party ends?"

"Sure," I said, wrinkling my nose as I suddenly got attacked with bashfulness.

The party went on for a few more hours and the guests were now talking loudly and moving rather languidly. They were starting to get tired perhaps. Is it a sign to wind down this festivity?

RJ seemed to think the same thing because he stood in the middle of the patio to make a mini speech of appreciation. "Everyone, Maine and I would like to thank you all for sharing this milestone with us. In three weeks, we would be attending our graduation rites- Maine, for her master's degree in Journalism and I, for my Juris Doctor. And we'd like to share with you that the two of us..."

I could see some of our guests, especially my squad, starting to hold their breaths. Umm, girls, please don't get your hopes up. It's not what you think. Not yet anyway.

...are graduating with honors."

There was applause and buzz all around. Some were starting to stand up, perhaps to personally greet us. But RJ cut short their movements by making another announcement.

"Not only that. Last week, as some of you may have heard, Maine went to Japan for a very important assignment. And tonight, that interview has been uploaded to the Chronicle's website."

"Who did you interview, Maine?" Ethan shouted.

I answered, "Read it on our website. Or better yet, buy a copy of the print edition tomorrow."

"But tell us a bit about it now." Chrissy seconded.

"Yep, why don't you tell 'em, Maine," RJ said, as he turned to look at me. His eyes were twinkling with pride.

"Oh, alright," I said shyly. I went on, "I only get writing assignments occasionally now but a week ago, I got entrusted with an important mission. I flew to Tokyo to interview the former US president, Barrack Obama."

And with that revelation, there was an even bigger applause. This time, almost all guests stood up from their seats to approach me and RJ. I got swamped with well-wishers kissing and hugging me, letting me know how proud they were of me. I looked at RJ and saw him getting showered with the same gestures as well. After the greetings have died down, RJ held out his hand as a motion for me to join him in the patio. He raised his glass to say, "Cheers!"

He did this while locking his eyes with mine. He was swelling with pride for me; I could feel it with every bit of my being. And in the same manner, I was very proud of him too. I have heard many horror stories about law school: enrollees diminishing each semester as the years go by because of immense pressure; nerve-wracking recitations where you can get a failing grade for the simplest of reasons; and the unbelievable amount of reading that has to be done and imbibed. Considering that RJ still writes for The Post, him graduating with honors is such a herculean feat!

"You did well too, RJ and I love you," I whispered as I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him tight.

A/N: Hi! Hope you are all enjoying the holidays! Lapit na mag 2018!!

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