Chapter 29- Moving up, moving forward

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It's nine in the morning. It feels strange to be in the office this early in the day. I had gotten used to being here well into the afternoon after my field work.

Since I flew back yesterday from my ASEAN Summit assignment, I have no pending coverage today. But I do have to accomplish a few forms, such as my liquidation and travel evaluation report.

"Good morning, Ms. Ramos." I greeted the Human Resources Manager.

"Good morning, Maine. Back from your trip as I can see. I've been hearing wonderful things about your work."

"Oh. I'm thrilled to hear that. Thank you, ma'am." I haven't been to her department's office in months, I thought as I retrieved a few forms for me and Sam.


It is now late afternoon. Reporters and editors started tricking and filling up the editorial floor of the building. "Nice to see you back in the office," Sir Andy greeted as he walked in to his room. I followed suit to submit my forms for his review and signature.

Man, it feels weird to just be hanging around the office and not be typing away and beating deadlines.

Two hours later, Sir Andy summoned me to his room.

"Hey Maine. I'm not going to ask you anymore about Singapore. You've pretty much detailed everything here," he said, referring to my form by holding it up with his right hand.

"I won't beat around the bush, though. I've heard whispers. What's going on between you and Faulkerson?"

"Ummm... we're... hanging out."

"Hanging out? Is that the new youth speak for boyfriend-girlfriend?"

I had to keep myself from laughing. Sir Andy isn't that old. He's in his mid thirties but with three small children at home, his exposure to the younger crowd nowadays is limited to all things Disney or Nickelodeon.

"Ummm... how about we're dating but at the moment, it's complicated?"

"My goodness. That's an even vaguer answer. Mas lalo lang ako naguluhan sa sagot na yun."

"May I ask what this is about, Sir?" I inquired even though I have a clear idea where this line of questioning is leading.

"Your article yesterday contained strong similarities with Faulkerson's. Are you sharing and comparing notes in any way?"

"No, not at all," I answered confidently.

"It's not a news article, it's an investigative report. How would you explain the similarities?"

"We are from the same beat. So we speak to the same resource persons, we come across the same research materials. I believe it's just a coincidence. And if you read it thoroughly, the slant is different," I explained.

Andy was quiet, so I went on to say, "Will I be put under investigation? I've read through the employee handbook and ethics guidebook several times. I'm not breaking any company rules."

"No. You're not breaking any rules. I just wanted to hear your thoughts on the matter. So, it's you and Faulkerson, eh? Is he a good guy? I know he's handsome." He was quiet again for a few seconds. "Isn't he a ladies man?"

Sir, pati ba naman ikaw? I thought with aversion. "Er, no sir. Madami lang talagang assumera sa mundo."

To my surprise, my boss laughed out loud. "That term is too colloquial for a word purist like you, Mendoza."

"Sir, lumalabas lang naman yung pagka word purist ko sa trabaho." I want to open up a little to my boss, since the argument RJ and I had was related somehow to our work as reporters.

"You know what puzzles me? His article didn't contain any exposés about Senator Lee but he works closely with his assistant. What do you make of this, Sir?"

"Maybe he found nothing incriminating about the Senator as well. Just as you didn't find anything either. Maybe his business with Amy has nothing to do with his job at The Post. A consultancy perhaps? Probably, they need his opinion on something? He is a political science graduate after all."

Hindi ko naisip yun. His insight makes sense. Minsa, iba talaga kapag kumukuha ng second opinion. Someone else's perspective makes a difference.

Suddenly, I became worried. "Won't that be a conflict of interest?"

"Not if it's just a casual or an informal advising, especially if it's a one-time incident. Whatever it is, as long as it's outside of being a reporter, I'm sure you'll find out soon. I mean, if you guys are dating... Anyway, Maine... I think you're ready to accept bigger assignments."

That made me straighten-up in my seat.

"I'm sending you to another trip, but just to a local one. I'd like you to come up with a news feature on families that have been displaced by insurgency and other conflicts."

"That's exciting!" I exclaimed in wide-eyed wonder.

"It's a step towards your career goals. Who did you say was your idol? Christiane Amanpour, right? But you envision becoming a print version of her."

I chuckled. "I want to carve my own name, but I envision something similar for myself. When do I leave?"

"Tomorrow. Then you and Sam will arrive on Thursday. The article is due on Friday."

"Thank you, boss. I'll make you proud this time around."

"Why? When have you ever disappointed me?"

"Yesterday. RJ's article was much better than mine."

"Says who? I like yours better. His article had merits, but I think it was misguided."

"It most certainly was not!" I exclaimed loudly, making my boss look at me sharply.

"Tard! Feisty tard!" He quipped. "I think yours is better because it was more focused and in-depth. That's all I'm saying."

"Well, I beg to disagree. I thought RJ's piece was brilliant."

"You've got it bad, Mendoza. I suggest you go back to your cubicle now and reflect on your actions," he said in between fits of laughter. "A few months ago, you would have been thoroughly pissed by the competition. How you've grown."

I smiled at the thought of RJ but this smile turned into a cloudy expression. "Sir, do you think RJ will get in trouble with his boss?"

Andy turned reflective while tinkering with his pen. "I hope not. I just know Bernie superficially. He is known as a strict, no-nonsense fellow. Quite somber is you ask me. If he's got nothing to hide, then he should be fine."

He snapped out of his thoughts and looked at me. "Now go! The communication signals there are intermittent, so research as much as you can now. I mean it!"

"And Maine," he said as I was about to open his room's door. "Keep doing what you are doing and you'll be climbing up the ladder sooner than you think."

Wow! Does that mean...?


"So, it's you and me again, huh?" Sam dropped by my cubicle before the day's end.


"Have you made amends with RJ?" she asked.

"Not yet."

"Huh? Why not?"

"I haven't gotten over the embarrassment part. I'm past the pride part but I'm still ashamed about my outburst, you know? It was too emotional and fiery and—"

"Feisty?" she offered.

I've been hearing that word a lot lately. I pointed by pen at her while suppressing my laughter. "Whatever!"

I turned serious. "I promise when we get back, I'll seek him out. I'll apologize to him face to face."   

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