Chapter 27- Testy

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Of course, if the boss is in town, could the assistant be far behind?

The voices were faint which can indicate that they are near the doorway. And since it is an early morning Sunday, the quiet surroundings made the conversation audible enough.

"Thank you for these papers, Amy. I mean no disrespect, but please step out of my room now."

"But RJ, don't you want to try it with me?" her voice was dripping with seduction.

"Amy, I'm with someone," RJ said forcefully.


"Anung so?!? Amy, I think you partied too much last night and you drank more than you can handle. Now, please excuse me, I still have somewhere to go."

His voice was becoming louder. It could only mean that he was exactly behind the door and -–

I felt some wind swoosh as the door swung open.

"Maine!" he said with a surprised look on his face. "Amy is just about to leave."

Amy walked past him to step out the door. She gave me a funny look. "Siya ba?"

"Sleep that off, Amy," he said firmly as he pulled my hand to let me in.

As soon as he shut the door, he started to apologize. "Sorry, she just dropped off some papers and -–"

I cut him off immediately. "RJ, whatever it is, I don't want to know."

"But why? It's just that—"

I cut him off again. I was scared that it was work-related and we might break our unspoken rule. "It's just that I don't want to know okay?" I said almost shouting.

"Wow, you are testy today," he commented with frustration in his voice.

"I do want to know one thing. If she's just dropping off papers, why did you even have to meet her here? Sa room mo pa talaga? You do know she has a big crush on you right? Or are you too numb or oblivious to notice it? Could you not just have met her in the lobby? In the coffeeshop? Or in any other place that's more public?!" I rattled on and on.

"You're too much of a gentleman. Yan ang problema. Kaya tuloy kung anu-anong chismis yung kumakalat sayo e!"

Oops. That came out wrong. That last bit came out especially wrong. But it was too late.

I saw it in his eyes... the pain... in his big, bright, beautiful eyes that can convey emotions easily. I wanted to say sorry immediately but I was paralyzed with regret and shame.

"Ganun ba tingin mo sa kin? After all these months of being friends, yun talaga ang tingin mo sa kin?"

The apology is stuck in my throat. My eyes are becoming full of unshed tears that are threatening to spill out.

"RJ..." It was all I could say.

"Maine, wag na lang muna tayo magusap. Palipasin nalang muna natin 'to."


"Really, Maine." The hurt that reflected in his eyes earlier has now been replaced by anger. "For the record, I didn't ask Amy to come up here. She asked around and somehow, she found out my room number. She has her ways, you know. You could have asked first before jumping to conclusions." He paused for a second.

"And you call yourself a journalist?" he uttered, stressing each word with sarcasm.

Okay, that's it. He hurt me too.

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