Top surgery

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Justin's pov:

My heart starting racing and I was full on shaking. The doctors tried to come near me and calm me down.

Me: Get a-away from m-me just please g-go get R-raegan P-please.

Now I was crying and just wanted to see raegan.


Nurse: I'll get Raegan one minute.

She ran out of the room. A few seconds later she came running in with Rae behind her. He saw me and ran over to me. I was still crying and shaking and pretty much having a panic attack.

Raegan: Can you guys leave for a second I'm sorry.

Nurse: Of course.

I saw as everyone walked out of the room. Rae hugged me and picked me up. He sat on the table so I was on his lap.

Me: B-babe I'm so scared I can't do this *heavy breathing*

Raegan: Ok ok first calm down. Take deep breaths I'm here you're fine.

He kisses me gently and I kiss him back. I calm down a little but I'm still shaking. He hugs me and I put my head in his chest.

Raegan: Ok listen baby.

I nod in his chest.

Raegan: You are a strong boy Justin. You can handle this I know you can. You won't feel anything and it will be over before you know it.

Me: N-no Raegan I'm not strong. If I was I would already been asleep and they would have started. I'm so weak and such a baby. I hate my-

He cuts me by kissing me again. He pulls away and looks at me.

Raegan: Stop. Don't say your weak or a baby because your not. I understand why you are scared but really you don't need to be. I believe in you. Your gonna fall asleep and then when you wake up it will be over ok baby. Please be strong for me I will be right there when you wake up I promise. I love you Justin.

Me: I love you too Raegan.....ok call them back in I can do this.

I said that but I was still insure. But I need to he strong for Rae he believes in me.

Raegan: Ok babe good luck. I believe in you!

He walks toward the door.

Me: Wait!

Raegan: What?

Me: Can I have one more kiss?

He laughs and comes over to me and lifts my chin up. He kisses me one more time. I blush and smile. He smiled back at me and walks to the door. Before he opens it, he says,

Raegan: Justin you are a strong person. Don't think otherwise.

Me: Thank you Baby I love you.

Raegan: I love you too.

He opens the door and walks out. I take a deep breath and the nurses and doctors come in.

Doctor: Are you really ready Justin?

Me: Y-yes I am.

I lay down on the table and they put a mask over my face.

Nurse: Take deep breaths and you will be asleep in less than 20 seconds.

I nod my head and start taking deep breaths. My eyes start to get heavy and they close. Next thing I know I'm out.

Raegan's pov:

I walk back out to the waiting room to see Justin mom.

Jays mom: Is he okay?

Me: Yea he just needed a little encouragement and love you know.

Jays mom: Thank you Raegan for being here it means a lot to Justin and me.

Me: Of course. I really love Justin and I would really do anything to help him and make sure he's okay.

She nods and sits back down. I do too. A few minutes later,

Jays mom: Should I go get some food for us it's going to be a little while.

Me: Oh Mrs. Blake I can go.

Jays mom: No Raegan I'll go you stay here it's perfectly fine I'll be back soon.

I nod and she leaves. I stay on my phone until she gets back. She texts me what I want from subway and I tell her. I see her walk in 15 minutes later with subway. She sits down and hands me my food.

Me: Thank you do you want any money I-

Jays mom: No no it was on me and no problem.

We ate in the waiting room and after we finished just went on our phone.

I must fallen asleep because someone was shaking me. I open my eyes and see jay's mom.

Jays mom: Raegan they said Justin is done and he will wake up in a few minutes so you can go see him.

Raegan: O-ok I'll go in.

I got up and a nurse brought me to where Justin was. I entered a room and he was in the hospital bed asleep. He looked adorable. I took a chair and went next to his bed. I held his hand and took a picture with my phone of me holding his hand. I rested our hands on the bed. I was he had the pad on his chest with the tubes. I just held his hand until he woke up.

Justin's pov:

As I was waking up I felt someone holding my hand. I opened my eyes to see raegan next to me holding my hand. He noticed I was up.

Raegan: Hi baby boy.

He got up and kissed me. I kissed him back and he sat back rown.

Me: Hi babe.

Raegan: How do you feel.

Me: Okay I guess. I feel tired.

Raegan: Yea that's normal.

Me: I'm glad I woke up to you right next to me holding my hand. You really care?

Raegan: Didn't I promise I would be here holding your hand when you woke up. I wasn't breaking that promise. And of course I care.

I smiled and squeezed his hand. He looked down and smiled.

Raegan: I'm so proud of you Justin.

Me: Thank you Raegan.

Raegan: And I'm going to stay with you until you are all healed I promise I'm not leaving your side.

Me: Thanks. I'm glad I can spend some time with you.

Raegan: Me too.

I see the nurse walk in. Me and Rae both turn out attention to her.

Nurse: I need Justin's mom in here only to talk to her and Justin. Rae do you mind getting her?

Raegan: Ok. See you when you come out Justin.

Me: Ok Rae I love you.

Raegan: Love you too my prince.

He walked out and I smiled and blushed.

Nurse: Aww he's so sweet.

Me: Yea. Yea he is.

Hope you all enjoyed. I got my nose pierced today I love it! 😍 Plz comment and and vote if you liked 💕
●Samantha Sarno●

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