Nice day.

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Justin's pov:

You could say I cried for another hour before getting my phone off the ground. My mom came in concerned but I told her I would explain in the morning because it was late and I'm upset. I picked up my phone and sat back on my bed. I saw a text. Rae?

Babe❤👑: Justin I'm sorry. This isn't a breakup or even a break I just want a little time please. You know I still love you I won't ever stop ❤

That made me feel a little better but also worse at the same time. I feel better because now I know he still loves me. I feel worse because he wants time and I feel like I don't have a boyfriend right now. I don't feel loved. It's a bad feeling to be honest. Ugh. I need sleep. I didn't rext Rae back because. Well I don't know. What do I say? Exactly. I put my phone in the charger and set it down on my nightstand. I shut my light off and get under my blankets. My mind is blank. No. It's everywhere. No. I don't know. I can't handle this.

I drift off into a deep sleep. I feel like my mind is still awake thinking about....well I don't know. Life you could say, maybe.

I wake up to my alarm. Oh shit. I have school. I totally forgot. Ugh I'm so tired and I feel like shit. Oh well. My mom won't let me stay home. And I'm supposed to show Peter around today. I get up and shower quick. I get out and get dressed and brush my teeth and blah blah. I see my phone light up.

Peter: Hey meet me in the office when you come into school.

Me: Alright see ya there.

I sent it and went downstairs. My mom made pancakes.

Me: Goodmorning mom.

Mom: Morning sweety you okay today?

Me: Eh. I'm alright.

Mom: Why were you so upset last night.

Me: Oh ummm I was at the party last night and someone took a video of some girl getting on my lap and kissing me. That someone sent that video to Rae and now he wants some time. A-and I can't loose him mom. I can't I love him so much.

A tear went down my face and she got up to hug me.

Mom: Oh sweety it will work it in the end I promise.

Me: T-thanks mom.

Mom: Now come on eat your pancakes and then you have to get off to school.

Me: Ok.

I eat my pancakes and go my phone. I went through Instagram debating whether I should text Rae or now. Nah. I finished eating and head out the door. I drive to school and get out of my car. Huh. Same old school. It's been a few days. I walk in and go to the office. I see Peter waiting there. He gets up and hugs me. I hug back and the principal comes in.

Principal: You must be Peter?

Me: Yes sir.

Pricipal: Ok here's your schedule. Do you need someone to show you around?

Peter: I was hoping Justin can?

Principal: Ok perfect. Easier for me. You have a good day Peter and thanks Justin.

Me: No problem.

We walk out and I see his schedule. We have lunch together thank God. We have most of our classes together. Cool.

Me: So we have about 5 our of 8 classes together and we have lunch together. Yay!

Peter: Alright cool. Where is my locker?

I see the number and it's next to mine. What a coincidence.

Me: Next to mine *laughs* come in.

There were kids in the hallway so we squeezes past them. We made it to out lockers and we both put out stuff away. I finished first and I saw waiting for him. All of a sudden I see a girl who looked familiar. Omg! Taylor! (If y'all don't remeber that was Justin's friend that saved him from his bully Alex before his surgery)

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