19. "So, That's It? Is It Over?"

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"Whose apartment is this and how could you unlock it?" Scarlett inquired suspiciously, witnessing Dylan open the house door using a key. He passed her a tricky smirk and his eyes continuously held soft mockery, "Take off your heels, sweetheart, we are intruders. We don't want them to know that we are inside." He completed in a slow voice and gave her a crooked smile making her frown in disbelief.

"What? Why?" She retorted loudly.

"Easy, my love," he shushed her as he placed his palm over Scarlett's mouth, preventing her from shouting further.

"I'm not going in." She declared, instantly removing his hand away, "And stop using those endearments. I don't like it." She gritted and turned on her back to leave.

Only if she could!

Stopping her by her arm, he twisted Scarlett making her look his way. "Why, do you feel distracted, sweetheart," he called again, his lips already curled up maliciously, leaving her to pass another ferocious stare. Ignoring her glares, Dylan dragged her a little towards the doorway as he spoke in a quiet voice, "Come with me."

"I said I'm not going to be a part of these scandalous tasks." Scarlett rebuffed, yanking his hand away as she gave him an angry stare.

"You will only show appreciation towards me later, love." He started dragging her briskly and speedily made his steps passing the big living room.

"Dylan, I'm telling you, you will apologize for this later." She hissed. Scarlett's gaze landed around. The interior was quite impressive and it screamed feminine.

"You're hurting me." She gritted again.

"I hate to do this, darling," his voice suddenly turned soft as he spared her a glance, "I swear this is the last time." He spoke apologetically and with a swift motion, he inclined running his hand on her hair tenderly and kissed her cheek, leaving her startled by the sudden action. Scarlett could never deny that the gesture made her feel tingly but she managed somehow to sneer at him, to which he only chuckled lightly. Finally, he stopped in front of a room, which could be easily assumed as a bedroom.

"That's another version of Aaron I was talking about," Dylan stated in a slow voice, pointing at the room as she eyed him doubtfully, raising her brows, and questioning him.

"Open it," he ordered, his gaze rooted at the closed door as he stared at it cross-eyed. There was not a single trace of remorse on his face, for the disturbance that he'd planned; it was indeed vehemence and furiousness.

"Are you out of your mind?" Scarlett hissed, staring at him with distrust. Drifting out of his livid state, he glanced her way as he gave her a stare containing incredulity. Scarlett shook her head fervently, refusing to comply with whatever he'd planned. He sighed and with no further thought, he gradually parted the room door.

Scarlett's gaze was still stipulated on him as his fury instantaneously vanished. Glancing back at her, he carried a wry smile. He then pointed to her with his eyes to have a look inside. Tentatively, Scarlett tilted her face peeking through the slightly opened door.

As soon as her eyes landed there, Scarlett's mouth and her eyes were frozen wide open, in an expression of stunned surprise and her hands automatically wrapped around her mouth, to control a gasp. The sight in front of her came out as pure, sheer shock. She felt like she had been punched right in the gut. She was blank. Scarlett's mind was blocked out and suddenly, all she could see was red in front of her eyes.

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