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"Shut up Y/N!", Oak yelled, smacking a pillow in your face.

Your laughter was muffled by the pillow, which you threw right back at your beloved brother. Please note the sarcasm in that.

"Why can't you appreciate my marvelous voice?", you pouted and gave Oak your best puppy dog eyes, only to have him smack another pillow into your face "Stop it!"

"Oaaaaak," you whined and again shoved the pillow right back at him. Oak only gave you a deadpan look before he turned his attention back to the script in his hands.

"What's that?", you asked curiously and quickly snatched it from his hands, running out of the living room and attempted to run to yours, but of course your brother was faster than you and snatched the script from your hands before you could take a closer look. What you did see though was Hamilton. And the name Lin-Manuel Miranda.

You gaped at your brother with wide eyes, who in return frowned at you, before realization dawned on him and you began to squeal in excitement, "You're working with Lin-Manuel Miranda and you didn't tell me?!"

Oak groaned and turned away "This is exactly why I didn't tell you."

"But why didn't you tell me?", you asked and glared at him. You've been a big fan of In The Heights ever since it hit Broadway and you even saw the show twice. The only Spanish you spoke though was when it came to random food, so it was a little problematic to understand most of it. But food is important, so that should do.

"Because I want to keep my ability to hear, that's why," Oak said and you stuck your tongue out at him. Oak stuck his tongue out at you. Now you gasped and laid a hand on your chest as if you were offended by him "How dare you?"

"Oh I dare!", Oak laughed and headed to the living room. "It's on!", you yelled and ran up to him, jumping on his back in an attempt to tackle him. But he stayed true to his nickname, standing still like a tree, laughing at your futile attempts to tackle him.

"Get off my back Y/N I don't want to take you to work with me," Oak finally said with a sigh, trying to pry you off of his back.

"Oh I don't mind staying here, take me with you big bro," you grinned and continued to cling onto him tightly. You wouldn't let go so easily.

"I know that you wouldn't mind but I do. Now get off my back, you lil' bug," Oak said, finally getting you off of his back.

You sighed and crossed your arms "You'll take me to work with you one day, you have to. I'll get on your nerves so long until you take me with you to meet Lin."

Oak grinned and ruffled your h/c hair "Yeah, yeah, I gotta go, bug. See ya." Seconds later he was out the door.

"Stop calling me bug," you mumbled to no one in particular then. You spun around a little, thinking of what to do now.

You recently lost your job at a café because it was closing, so for now you were unemployed.

Then your eyes fell on something on the couch and you facepalmed, not just inwardly but in reality too.

That idiot of a brother of yours forgot his script.

[please bear with the fact that I am quite inexperienced with real life stories like these and please bear with the fact that every chapter may be this short so I have more of a writing flow than having to force myself to my usual 1.000 words when the actual chapter is already done like 300 words earlier]

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