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January 20th 2015

The night of the nights.

The Hamilton premiere in the Public Theatre.

You were nervous as hell. It was about half an hour before the show began and you were lowkey excited for this. And you weren't even performing. Everything was great, the whole original cast was there and everyone was excited.

You were in the dressing room that Oak shared with Daveed and Anthony, the latter having scattered off to find Jasmine. You talked with your brother and boyfriend and laughed about the most random things, until it was time for them to head out to the 'front' before the show would begin.

You hugged Oak tightly and did your secret handshake you had, laughing at the end as you both messed up, before you turned to Daveed.

"Good luck out there, Floof," you smiled and got on your tiptoes so you could kiss your favorite fighting Frenchman. Daveed grinned and met you halfway, the kiss not lasting long though as Lin burst into the room and almost yelled "Love time's up, show time's on!"

You jumped at Lins sudden appearance and turned around to him, giving him the deadliest glare you could muster "Don't scare me like that!" Lin only snickered, before he gave Daveed a look and ran off.

You sighed and turned back to Daveed, who wrapped an arm around your waist and dipped you, saying in his french accent "Wish me the best of luck, ma chérie."

You blushed and smiled at him "Good luck, Laffy." Daveed chuckled and kissed you lovingly, before standing straight again and heading off. You followed right behind and headed to the audience, sitting in your seat between Javi and Mandy.

"There's so many people here!", you said to both of them, your gaze fixed to the front. Javi chuckled and said "Well, that's because we're sold out, Y/N."

"Fucking hell...", you muttered and once more Javi chuckled beside you, this time joined by Mandy, who then said "Breathe, Y/N." "Anytime, anytime, Mandy," you replied with a huffed laugh, now the three of you trying your best not to laugh too loud.

"You shouldn't steal Chris' lines," Javi said and you grinned "I do what I want!"

You went silent when the lights went out and the all too familiar beginning time began to play.

You've never really seen the whole musical without any interruptions or so, so this was just amazing. During intermission, Javi decided to tease you about how much you were staring at Daveed. In return, you teased him about crying during the Laurens Interlude.

He denied it, but you saw those tears in his eyes. And the small one that had tried to escape which he had quickly wiped away. You saw it all.

During the second act, you had a lot more of Daveed to look at. And now that his floof wasn't in a ponytail anymore, you felt an even bigger urge to touch it.

After the musical was over, along with the curtain call, you quickly pushed your way through to get backstage. The first person you found was Leslie, who you hugged and said "You were so amazing out there, I can't possibly hate you, my bitter friend, for killing Ham."

Leslie laughed, hugging you back and replying "Thank you."

"Hey, I thought I'd be first?", you heard someone say, who turned out to be Daveed, followed by someone else saying "Nah ah man, bros before hoes."

All of you laughed loudly as you then went to hug Oak tightly, while Daveed just stood there, looking offended. You giggled "Sorry Floof, bro is right."

"I ain't a hoe tho," Daveed sassily said and flipped his hair, to which you replied "Right, you're a drama queen."

Once again, laughter filled the room, before you went over to hug the man you loved from the bottom of your heart.

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