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The door to your room opened. You could hear quiet talking in the hallway.

"Whoever it is, please tell them to leave, Oak," you said, not turning to look at whoever just came in, assuming that it was your brother.

The door closed and steps came closer to you, the person saying "I'm afraid that I'm not Oak."

You turned your head slightly to check who it was.

"Floof..." you mumbled and watched him for a moment. "Hey Bubbles," Daveed said and you let out a weak laugh "Bubbles?"

"Yeah. Cuz you're always so bubbly and light up my...everyone's day," Daveed said and leaned against the wall beside your window, looking at you.

"I think you can come up with a better nickname than Bubbles," you replied, looking down at your hands. They've been shaking nonstop since your breakdown. It still haunted you.

"I guess I made a fool of myself for just running off like that," you mumbled, to which Daveed almost immediately replied "We were worried when you suddenly left."

"Am I fired now?", you ask, not looking at Daveed.

"What? No, you're not fired!", Daveed said, disbelief in his voice. Then you heard him sigh and ask "What's wrong Y/N?" He took notice of your shaking hands, so he took your hands in his, stopping them from shaking.

You glanced at his hands holding yours and felt yourself relaxing. You pondered if you should tell him what's the problem. But what if he'll laugh at you?

"This is really ridiculous...promise me something," you then finally spoke up, slowly looking up to meet his gaze. "What is it?", he asked, his brows furrowed in worry. "Please don't laugh," you said and looked away again, biting your lip.

"Of course I won't laugh. Just please tell me what's going on," Daveed softly said and laid a hand on your cheek, gently turning your face back so you were once again looking at him.

"I've never had my first kiss," you then say and almost instantly blush in embarrassment. You could already hear Daveed laughing. But he didn't.

"So that's why you ran off...", he mumbled before he added "You didn't want that to be your first kiss, right?"

You nodded and looked away again. Daveed brushed his thumb over your cheek "Hey, don't worry, it's okay. You should enjoy your first kiss. It shouldn't be forced like that. I'm sure Lin will understand."

"But won't he laugh at me?", you asked and looked back up again. Daveeds eyes widened a little and he shook his head "No, why should he?"

"This is ridiculous. I'm twenty-five and never have kissed a guy before," you say and sigh in defeat.

"It's okay, don't worry about that. Lin will understand and he'll give you all the time you need," Daveed said and smiled encouragingly.

As much as you wanted to, you couldn't stop yourself from smiling back. Why did his smile have to be so contagious?

"There's my lil Bubbles!", Daveed cheered, making you laugh. That's when a thought crossed your mind.

"Daveed?", you asked. He hummed in response, showing he was listening.

"Could you...could you be my first kiss?"

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