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"You did great!", Daveed said as soon as the two of you got a moment to talk to each other.

You blushed a little and smiled brightly "Thanks. And, thanks for yesterday. It helped a lot."

Daveed grinned down at you and replied "No problem. I'll help you where I can." He wiggled with his eyebrows, making you laugh. Now you decided to get back at him.

"Y'know, a little birdie told me that you weren't pleased with me kissing Lin," you grinned at him, the blush on your cheeks not fading though as you said that.

Daveed raised a brow, his grin staying plastered to his lips as he then said "Oh really? And, let me guess, that birdie didn't happen to be Jasmine?"

"What if she was?", you retort, raising a brow at him. He chuckled and replied "Well, maybe she wasn't so wrong with that."

"Can I get everyone ready for Hurricane?", Lin called and you watched as the ensemble got up to head to the stage, as well as Jazzy. Groff still sat in his corner from I Know Him.

You turned your attention back to Daveed. "So you admit that you were jealous?", you ask and feel your cheeks burn up. You tried to hold his gaze, but then you just looked away and inwardly scolded yourself for not being able to look at him properly when you were talking about something like this.

Daveed laid a finger under your chin and gently pushed it up, so you looked at him. "How would you like it if I asked you out on a date?", he asked.

Your eyes widened and you blushed even more "A date?" Daveed chuckled "That's what I said."

You thought a little before you smiled and nodded "Okay, sure. When?"

"Does tomorrow night sound good?", he asked and brushed a strand of your hair out of her face, pushing it behind your ear, before resting his hand on your cheek.

You nodded and said "Yeah, sounds good."

Daveed grinned and said "I'll pick you up at seven at your place." He leaned down a little and kissed your forehead, before he then headed to the audience and startled Anthony by jumping into the seat beside him without warning.

You giggled at that, but jumped yourself when you felt an arm around your shoulder.

"Young love. It's so beautiful," Oak sniffled and wiped a non-existent tear away, making you hit his side "Oh shut up Oak!"

"If he hurts you, just tell me. I'll break his bones if he does," Oak said and you just sighed, shoving his arm off of your shoulders "Yeah, yeah, can't wait for that to happen."

You decide to head over to the seat Jazzy had occupied earlier beside Pippa. As soon as you sat down, Pippa turned to you with an all knowing grin on her lips and you groaned "I swear to god Pippa! Don't you-"

"Are you excited for your date?", she quickly asked and beside her Renée looked over "Who has a date? Does Y/N have a date?" Pippa nodded and you frowned "How the hell do you know?"

"The look Daveed had during your Say No To This told me everything," Pippa grinned and wiggles her eyebrows, to which you sighed and said "I swear to god Pippa I actually thought you were innocent."

My Hurricane [ Daveed Diggs x Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now