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For a moment, you thought you heard wrong.

You just sat there in Daveeds lap and stared at Lin in disbelief. You couldn't do this. Could you? What would Jasmine say?

Everyone was talking, except Oak, Daveed and Anthony. All three of them because Anthony the closest to Jasmine and Oak and Daveed were closest to you. They didn't want to participate in this discussion.

"Guys!", Javier then called, to silence the cast "Why don't we listen to what Y/N thinks about this?" And with that, everyone's eyes turned to you.

You fidgeted with your hands in your lap and met nobody's gaze, as you then said "I can't possibly do that. I don't want to take away what she worked hard for."

"Jazz and I talked about this before I left," Anthony then spoke up, for the first time since he arrived. "She said she's fine with you doing this. She'd rather have you do this than have the cast wait longer until they can record this."

You felt tears come to your eyes. So much pressure and so many emotions were filling you up right now, you couldn't think straight.

"But I can't possibly take away what she worked so hard for. This is her dream, she loves this so much, I'm just an understudy that got in because of her brother having a slight major role," you say, staring down at your hands "Jazz lives for this. I can't possibly take that away from her and take her spot as the original cast member."

"Hey, baby, it's okay," Daveed whispered softly "Ant said it's okay. And if Jazz tells him to say that, it must be. This isn't easy on any of us. But Jazz decided that this is a sacrifice she had to make."

You nodded slowly and leaned more into his chest again, closing your eyes to hold back the tears. You felt pathetic for wanting to cry. You were about to steal your closest friend her job. You didn't want to. Jazz deserved this, not you.

Daveed wrapped his arms around you and whispered "It's okay sweetie, you can let it out." He pressed a kiss on the top of your head as he held you closer to him.

"Y/N, please consider the offer," you heard Lin say. You didn't want to consider the offer. You really didn't. You didn't want to consider saying yes. But what other choice did you have? Either have Jasmine hate you for taking her job away or have the whole cast hate you for making them wait even longer with recording.

"I'll do it...but only because Anthony said that Jazzy is okay with it," you say, your eyes still closed so you didn't have to look at anyone.

You heard a few relieved sighs here and there. Maybe some of them were even smiling. You couldn't help but wonder what Jasmine was doing right now, or what she though about all of this. Was she really okay with you taking the spot as original cast member?

Who knows. You certainly didn't.

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