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You were shaking. Your whole body was shaking as you had run to your brother's dressing room and hid in there. You sat in the corner and had your knees pulled up to your chest, your arms wrapped tightly around them. Your face was buried in your knees as you tried to calm down.

It's been a while since anxiety had hit you like this. You felt all sorts of things, half of which you couldn't even explain.

Embarrassed was the loudest of all.

You were so embarrassed for running off like that, it hurt. You made a fool of yourself for running away from such an easy task. And yet, it wasn't easy at all. It had your heart racing a marathon.

You just couldn't do this. And what scared you even more was the thought of Lin maybe even firing you because you couldn't do such a thing. You were scared you'd lose your job because of this.

You just never really acted like this before, except in high school. But there you never had to do something like this.

You tried to stop shaking but all these emotions and all these thoughts made it even worse. By now, you were crying. Tears were silently rolling down your cheeks as you cowered there.

You'll never do this. You won't be able to step out there, for sure. They'll laugh at you, because you ran away from such a simple thing. They'll think you're a loser, a wimp. Just like back in high school, remember? Even those of the theater club weren't too fond of you and talked about you behind your back. You should prepare yourself to be fired.

These thoughts were killing you inwardly, because, no matter how much you wanted to deny it, they were true. A sob escaped your lips as now more and more tears were rolling down your cheeks, equaling a waterfall.

"Y/N? Are you in there?", a voice called through the door, which opened seconds later. But you were too engulfed in your thoughts to notice.

"Y/N! Thank god, guys, I found her!", the person yelled and you found yourself in the embrace of someone. They had their arms wrapped around you and rocked you back and forth gently, brushing a hand over your hair to calm you.

Whoever it was, you just leaned into their embrace. You continued to cry, but slowly let go of your knees and wrapped your arms around the figure.

"Shh, it's okay sweetie, let it out. Everything's okay," the person whispered and just continued to whisper calming things to you.

"Y/N!", a new voice then said, which you immediately recognized as Oak. Immediately you reached out to him and he leaned down, pulling you up into his arms. You held onto your brother tightly as you continued to cry.

Oak continued what the person from before had done, running a hand over your hair and whispering calming things into your ear, hoping to calm you down.

It took you what felt like ages, but soon you managed to calm down. But you nevertheless held onto your brother tightly. You didn't want to let go, not now.

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