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So, here you were, making your way to the theatre where your brother was working. As you headed through a door, you heard singing come from a little further back, so you decided to head there.

On stage were a few people, some sitting but most of them standing, as they sang a song, probably from Hamilton. You looked at all of them, but neither were Oak.

You decided to wait till they were done, but someone else decided otherwise. Someone laid a hand on your shoulder, almost scaring the shit out of you. You'd been so engulfed in the song that you hadn't noticed someone walking up to you.

Turning towards the owner of the hand you thought you would faint. Lin. Manuel. Miranda. It took you everything not to scream.

"Heyyy you don't look familiar, who are you?", Lin asked and frowned at you. The fact that Lin Manuel Miranda just spoke to you and even touched you rendered you speechless.

But not for long, as you quickly stuttered "I-I'm Okierietes sister, he forgot his script!" Quickly you held it up to prove it.

Lin then nodded and smiled "Well then, nice too meet you, the name's Lin-Manuel Miranda. Everyone calls me Lin."

"Y/N Onaodowan. Can you tell me where Oak is?", you then asked and Lin nodded, pointing towards the back "His dressing room is the third on the right, he probably hides there. Anyways, gotta run, I guess I'll see ya sometime soon again." And so he was off.

Making your way towards Oaks dressing room – although wondering what he wanted there since they were doing run throughs of a song – you tried to comprehend the fact that you just met your Broadway idol.

You arrived at your brothers dressing room and knocked "Oak, it's me, I'm coming in!" And so you opened the door, heading inside.

"You forgot your script...", you quieted down as you looked up, realizing that this man before you wasn't your brother. Oak didn't have such a ginormous floof on his head and neither did he look as good as this man did.

A blush of embarrassment started to spread on your cheek and you said "You're not Oak."

The man before you began to grin as he said "Last time I checked I wasn't, no, sorry to disappoint you."

Quickly you hid your face behind the script as you blushed even more. Why was this so embarrassing? Why didn't you think of the possibility that Oak shared his room with someone?

"Well, how can I help you instead of Oak?", the man asked, clearly amused by this situation. Slowly you lowered to script, just so much that you could glance over it and look at him. Oh god how you wanted to touch that floof. It basically screamed 'Touch me!!' at you.

"I-I'm actually here to give him his script... he forgot it at home," you mumbled and quickly pulled the script back up to hide your entire face once more.

You heard steps approach and someone took the script from your hands. The floof guy. You chuckled nervously "Well, I guess I should get going."

"What's your name?", floof guy asked as you turned around to head to the door. Looking back at him, you smiled awkwardly and said "Y/N Onaodowan." Floof guy smiled "Daveed Diggs."

And so you ran off. Floof guys smile would probably kill you if you stared any longer.

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