Preparing for war

434 8 6

-Month 1

Currently in both the gym and training room, everyone had been working their butts off. Flare, Natsu, Gray, Bolo and about anyone who was strong or wanted to show off were lifting weights.

"Hey Gray, bet I could lift more than you can!!!" Natsu gloated "oh yeah?!" The ice made then lifted up triple the amount Natsu tried. Nearby Flare was lifting four thousand pounds with ease "boys" she sighed as she continued her power lifting. "I'm barely breaking a sweat! I need bigger weights" Jörmungundr said lifting five thousand pounds.

Erza was actually in the training room practicing her fighting, on occasion she'd feel a little sick and stop in mid session. Then go to her room to rest, and on the way for some reason her Ben was always there after she came out. They didn't look at each other, Erza was too ashamed of herself, Ben couldn't live with the fact that Erza didn't love him anymore.

But he loved her too much to disrespect her wish, even if it killed him. Inside the gym Lucy, Cornelia, Will, Juvia, Centorea, Kimihito and Shantae were on the treadmills. "Hey... how many miles have you guys done?" The blonde made asked them, "just reached twenty miles now" Cornelia said. Will held up two fingers to show how many she ran, Centorea said "I have hit the three kilometers per minute mark".

"Holy cow that's fast" Lucy and Cornelia yelped in surprise. Will was starting to get to tired to care.

"I'm going easy right now" Kimihito said, "sure that's a good idea? I mean we are facing the most powerful villains Ben's faced. I don't think it's the time to go easy" Shantae pointed out. The host man flinched and then cranked it up higher then Cerea.

They were astounded at how fast a normal man can run, only to have him Trip and slips right into Gargantia Ben. Who was doing side steps with Amy and Ledo, "well... hurts a lot less than a whale squid bite... that's for sure" he groaned.

"Believe me in a house full of monster girls, being bitten is the least of your problems" Kimihito said. "How so?" Amy asked, "well there's Miia trying to hug/strangle me, Papi flying me high into the air, Cerea kicking me in the face by accident, Rachnera tying anyone she can find up... although our Ben's had some experience with that" e muttered.

Happy over heard and hovered over to The aforementioned Tennyson, "so Ben, you're the one who lives with monster girls right?" He asked. He turned to him and said "yeah why?", "oh nothing, I got the feeling you're dating Rachnera" happy added. "Yeah that's true so?", "YOU GOT TO TELL!!! HOW'S IT LIKE BEING INSIDE A SPIDER!!!!" The exceed yelled from the top of his lungs.

Monmusu Ben blushed, then Rachnera came by and tied Happy up, "I don't think you have the right to ask a bout Ben and Me's relationship... but little to say it's pretty healthy" she said hugging Ben. "You can say... that again... he he..." Ben said blushing.

Humatrix then entered the training room, "okay everyone to the training room now. We have a lot to do" he said through the intercom.

In less than a minute everyone was in the training room, "just so we're clear, all of you are about to face off against the most powerful criminals and beings in Ben's universe. Each of them are more deadly than anything any of you have faced" he said. "Full on strength and immense skill in fighting can only get you so far. You also need smarts to defeat your enemies, knowing them inside out".

Then the six aforementioned bad guys appeared, "I have created these opponents to fight exactly like how they fight and at their maximum level. And there are stats about them on the wall over there (points to a wall with pictures of the villains and facts about them) I recommend reading on them" then five of the six villains disappeared. Leaving Aggregor, "okay, let's start off easy".

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