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//To anyone who is reading this story, I am now editing chapters by chapters slowly. There will be a few changes, not to the story line but just some sentences structure and some vocabularies. 

The reason why I am editing this is that I know this story is poorly written. And there is no depth in it. I know...I know I am writing something terrible. so I am trying to edit it to get better. 

Although I said there will be only a few changes, I have to change the whole prologue because I think what I wrote before totally sucks. I try to be optimistic but I just can't. So here I am editing chapters by chapters when I am free. and I won't be able to continue until I finish my assignments for the final semester

So, I am sincerely sorry for inconvenience that I cause. And I apologise if you get notifications every time I publish the edited parts. I just wanted you guys to read something better. Forgive me.//



Last summer, Jinyoung playfully touched a rose. And his finger had bled. That was when he promised himself not to touch a rose. But again, his heart carelessly found out about how great the love is, just like he found out how beautiful the rose is. Then he fell in love. Oh, love was so sweet, sweet like honey, sweet like candy which every child gets addicted to. He did get addicted to love, he got addicted to him.

He was his savior. Jinyoung could lose himself just to save him. He was Jinyoung's everything. Until that day, the last day of summer, when the leaves started to fall, there was that person's words which were as sharp as a sword, shoved into Jinyoung's heart and creating a forever scar.

That hurts. It hurts Jinyoung. That is why Jinyoung never let anyone coming to his way. He will live by his own with his friends. Him, who broke Jinyoung heart, will never be able to cause another scar because Jinyoung has already burned the bridges. There is no way he could come back.

It is going to be fine unless you start to play with love, just like you don't touch a rose or you don't lay your finger on a knife thinking you could be a master of it. Nope you won't. You will never be a master of love. Love, itself is a master.



Mark was not a native Korean. He is from LA, he was always the life of party. He likes party. He likes leather jackets, piercings and colored contact lens. He likes being cool. He likes being the center of attention. He likes it when every girl in the room looks at him. And LA was the place where he can be who he wants but that was all gone like a bubble in the bathtub when his dad who is the principal of the private college forced him to come back.

He didn't want to go back. He likes being in LA but then his father is the only one person on earth who could actually kill him if he is against with whatever his father said. So, he did go back.

Mark has never thought himself as a lucky person to move back to Korea. But he would say his fortune is just so good to meet someone with almond eyes and pouted lips. Jinyoung...becomes the owner of his heart. Jinyoung is the just someone with books who adores his friends. But Mark just unconditionally falls for Jinyoung. He heard about love before. But he never knows loving someone would be this crazily sweet. Jinyoung always cut him off whenever he goes near him but that does not stop Mark from falling for Jinyoung.

I mean, loving someone a little bit more won't hurt, right?


This story is inspired by so many books, songs and quotes written by many great writers. I appreciate every single words that they said and I am very much thankful to all those writers writing their songs, poems and books. 

"Getting your heartbroken is never the worst part, is the aftermath that kills you. It's waking up and going to text them, only to realize you no longer can. It's watching them love someone else and of course, you want them to be happy, you just wish it was with you. It's hearing them talk about someone else and having to smile and laugh all while you are choking back sobs. It's not just missing the person, but missing having someone to talk about your day to, having someone to comfort you when the days are too hard because now these days are every day and you are left crying on the bathroom floor with no one to turn to. Getting your heart broken is always hard but the worst part is the day after. Heartbreak is not romantic, it's wanting to die but being forced to keep on living//4am (via 4am-reflections) (@8.19am on Instagram)"

This is the quote that inspired me to write this story. Dear whoever wrote this quote, I will always be thankful for it. 

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