Chapter 14

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"So, guys... this is Mark." Jinyoung said introducing his boyfriend to his friends. And Mark also nodded his head and smiles at his friends but...


What the heck? Jinyoung starts to have a mini panic when none of his friends greet back and instead, all of their eyes are on Mark staring from the head to toe. Today is Friday night and Jinyoung has to bring Mark to their dorm because his boyfriend protested that he wants to greet his friends.

He already told his friends about this so he thought they are cool and won't stare at Mark for this long. Is it always that weird and awkward to introduce your boyfriend to your friends?

Anyway, after a very long five seconds of staring at Mark, the first person that walks up with a happy grin and have a handshake is Yugyeom.

"Hi Mark!"

"...Hi." Mark answered back as he gives him not-so-noticeable-glare. But Jinyoung does not fail to catch it. What is wrong with everyone? But he just brushes it off since there has to be no reason for Mark to hate Yugyeom, he believes.

"It's Jaebum. I'm pretty sure you know me." Jaebum said as he walks towards them from the table that he is sitting with Youngjae. Of course, those two know each other since elementary school but they stop talking after they had a fight over an eraser. And also, Mark moves aboard so he lost all the contact with his childhood friends. But that does not mean they hate each other. Jin.

"Hi, Jaebum." Mark smiles at him. Surely Mark remembers Jaebum, as the one who use his eraser without telling him.

"It's Youngjae!"

"And I am Bam. Bambam. Call me double B." but that horrible encounter that Jinyoung has been worrying is gone as soon as Youngjae and Bambam shows up.

"Cool!" Mark remarked at Bambam's nickname and Jinyoung never knows where that nickname comes from because they are friends for years and no one calls Bambam as double B. He is pretty sure that the younger just make it up.

"Mark. Sit with us." Bambam called him. And Jinyoung just let him sit there because he knows it is better to let his boyfriend sit with Bambam then Yugyeom or Jaebum.

"So, you are dating Jinyoung hyung?" Youngjae asked putting chips in his mouth.


"Do you like him?"

"Of course, I do."

"Our hyung likes you too. Like a lot. He blushes every time he talks about you."

"Oh yeah... and he smiled to his phone all the time. At first I thought it's just some funny memes but it turns out it's you." Yugyeom added. So, and bam! Both Youngjae and Yugyeom got the strong smacks from Jinyoung on the head.

"You little... I bought chicken for you all and that's how you treat me?" he said hiding his freaking blush as he took out the fried chicken box from the bag and put it on the dining table.

"But it's true tho-" And so, bam! Another smack on Yugyeom's head.


"You! Come here. Help me with this." Jinyoung pointed at Yugyeom who is about to ask Mark another question. He does not feel very safe to leave Mark with Youngjae but at least he is better than Yugyeom and plus, Bambam and Jaebum are there too. They won't ask some stupid question, right?

But he is clearly wrong because as soon as Jinyoung walks to the small kitchen, Bambam stated a question.

"So, are you guys in fight?"

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