Chapter 13

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//HIII Finally I could continue a new chapter. Thank you for waiting. <3//

Nobody's POV

So, it's been two weeks that Mark and Jinyoung start dating. Oh gosh... Jinyoung never thought that he would ever date the heartthrob of the school. It's kind of fun...and exciting. It's like riding a roller-coaster because one minute Jinyoung feels his heart beating normally but another minute, he found himself catching breathes because of Mark.

Mark could make Jinyoung happy and that's the only reason that Jinyoung could point out if someone asked why he is dating with Mark. Mark makes him happy in every possible way. Sometimes he would come and pick him up at the front of his classroom and that makes Jinyoung happy too. Or the older texts him 'good morning' 'good night' and it definitely causes smiles in Jinyoung's face. To conclude, whatever Mark does make him happy and Jinyoung loves it.

He thought he would never start dating again but there, Jinyoung finds himself smiling at Mark who is waiting for him as he leans on the car door.

"Hey!" he said as he patted Mark on his shoulder who is checking his phone.

"Oh hey! How is your day?" the older asked and takes Jinyoung's bag casually making the younger smile widely. Okay, let's just say Jinyoung likes Mark too much. He likes every little thing that Mark does and it's up to the point where he can't sleep some nights because of his heart beating fast whenever he thinks about Mark and his gentle gestures.

"It's good. How about yours?" He answered and frowned at his boyfriend who is opening the door for him.

"Mine's good too because I get to see you." Mark answered as he lightly pinches his boyfriend's nose getting a hit on his hand but that does not mean Jinyoung hates what Mark said. In fact, the younger blushed hard at Mark's words until he realizes something.

"I thought your class will end at 5." Jinyoung said as he sits beside the driver seat.

"Oh yeah, it is." Mark answered lightly. Well, maybe Jinyoung likes everything about Mark but except this one. Mark is skipping class. And it happens when Jinyoung finishes earlier than him.

"Mark, you can't do that." Jinyoung said with pouted lips as soon as Mark seats on the car and closes the door.

"Do what?"

"Skipping classes!"

"I don't skip classes." Mark said as he put a seatbelt on Jinyoung and also on him. He lied. Obviously. Mark does skip classes but not every day. And he only skips the last classes on the days when Jinyoung finishes earlier. That's because, as everyone knows, he wants to drive his Jinyoung home. He knows his boyfriend can take bus or walk back to his dorm with his friends when he has his evening classes. But then, Mark does not like Jinyoung's friend whose name is Yugyeom. The younger told him that Yugyeom likes another kid but he just does not like the fact that that yellow hair guy could teases Jinyoung and Jinyoung is fine with it.

In other word, Mark is jealous so yes, he is skipping classes to drive Jinyoung home. And plus, he can always get the notes for those classes that he missed from his classmates who are dying to be friends with him.

"Don't lie." Jinyoung gives him a soft glare. It might not be soft for other people but for Mark, whatever Jinyoung does is soft so this glare is soft, too.

"I am not." He insists as he starts driving off.

"Mark, I know that you have evening class today. And I don't want you to skip it. The exam is next month, remember? And your attendance percentage is low." Jinyoung pointed out the main fact that his father, the principal of the school, always scolds him for.

"Babe, that's-"

"Don't babe me. I can take a bus. It's only two stops from here." Jinyoung continued. "And It's not like I am alone. I have friends who are living in the same dorm with me. You know, Youngjae, Jaebum hyung, Bambam and Yugyeom." The younger said his friends' names and there it is, Yugyeom, someone that Mark does not like.

He knows that Yugyeom and Jinyoung are friends for so many years but he just does not like that the tall guy can do what Mark can't. For example, Jinyoung does not get angry with Yugyeom easily. Mark knows that they both are known as Tom and Jerry of the group but Jinyoung does not get angry with Yugyeom as easily as he is with Mark. So, it's more like, Mark is envy of Yugyeom.

If it takes half a day for Mark to make Jinyoung smile, then it takes only three seconds for Yugyeom. Yep, it is literally three seconds and so, Mark is jealous and at the same time, he is envy of Yugyeom so he does not like it when Jinyoung gets close with Yugyeom.

"Yug-what?" Mark asked with his voice slightly raised without realizing.

"Uh... it's Yugyeom, why? Anyway, Mark, listen to me. I don't want you to skip classes. Can you do that for me, pleas-"

"I want you to introduce me to your friends."


"Yeah, I want to meet your friends officially as your boyfriend." Mark said as he stopped the car beside the street. That's the only thing that he could come up with after thousands of thoughts running through his head within a second.

It's not only because he is jealous but also it would make their relationship official. Well, most people know they are dating but he wants to know Jinyoung's friends, too. Call him old fashion or whatever but he wants to meet them and introduce himself in person to get accepted by his boyfriend's friends. Although Jinyoung told him that everyone is fine with them dating but he is no satisfied with the fact that he hasn't introduced himself as a boyfriend of Jinyoung especially to Yugyeom.

But little did Mark knows, Yugyeom is the biggest Mark-jin shipper... But well, he does not know it, so this kind of thing happens.

"Y-you don't have to. I already told them that we are dating." Jinyoung said. In his point of view, Jinyoung does not want Mark to meet with his friends in case, just in case, someone accidentally talks about Jackson. And if that happens, then he has to explain everything and things will definitely get complicated.

"But it's different. I feel like, as your boyfriend, I have to meet your friends and introduce as your boyfriend officially, you know." Mark looks very sure and Jinyoung feels terrible with it. He is sure that his friends will definitely agree to meet but it's just him who is anxious about it.

"Why? You don't want me to meet with your friends?"

"W-what? No...that's not what I mean. H-how about I'll meet yours first?" Jinyoung suggested holding so much positive hopes in his chest wishing Mark would say yes.

"Babe, I want you to meet with them but they are not here. You can meet them on Christmas break, I heard they will visit me." Mark answered and Jinyoung does not know what to say back.

"And I just want to meet your friends because I feel like I need to. We've been dating for two weeks and even the classmates know it but it's not good when I haven't met your friends yet." Mark added another relevant fact that Jinyoung can't deny and now the younger does not know what to do anymore.

"Fine. Fine." So, he finally shows the greenlight earning a tight hug from his boyfriend. Of course, Mark feels happy and also excited because it's like he is meeting some family members of Jinyoung.

"Don't get too excited. I have to ask them whether they are free or not." Jinyoung said although he knows all of his friends have nothing to do except playing games and eating chips.

"Of course, babe. Thank you." Mark smiles and gives a soft peck on Jinyoung's hand as he starts to drive causing a grin from the younger but he didn't have a chance to see it because Jinyoung already hid it.  

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