XIV: Pent-up Feelings

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XIV: Pent-up Feelings
Ban P.O.V


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"What is it, Elaine?" Every word she says right now is precious, since I have very little time with her.

"You don't love me anymore, so please, let me rest."


"No, Elaine, you're wrong!
I still love you-!"

"No, you don't. You care for me, there's a difference there Ban. You're falling in love with Nixilia all over again, I can feel it in your heart," She smiled while saying this to me.

". . ."

"I'm right, and you know it.
So when you get back, tell her how you feel, or else," She threatened me.

"Or else what?"

"You know what I'm capable of, perhaps even after death.
And if you do try and bring me back, I won't be as happy," I raised my brow.

"What do you mea-?"

"Goodbye, Ban."

"Wait-No! ELAINE!"

Seriously? Now I'm reminded of that conversation?

But, Elaine isn't wrong.

I am falling for her again.

Heh, it's a funny thing too.

I started falling in love with her during our first all out battle against eachother.

"Hey, Nixie?" I nudged her.

". . ."

Still angry, huh?

You and your grudges.

"Say nothing if you'll let me kiss you when I win," She slowly started turning red, but said nothing because this girl stays committed to her grudges.

I chuckled, pecking her cheek and heading into the ring.

I'll tell her alright.

Real soon.




"You idiot," I heard Nixie mutter as she walked closer to me with Hawk alongside her.

"Finally talking again?"

". . ."

"Hawk, I'll take him down.
You go," She spoke.

"You sure?"

"Yeah," She replied, looking down and he skipped away, leaving us alone as my wounds started to slowly heal.

Helping me up, she tossed one arm around her shoulder, helping me down the mountain.

"Can I explain?"

"You can, but I won't listen."

This girl.

"I was. . .Afraid.
There were so many times that you were getting hurt, and you couldn't heal yourself, so I thought that eventually I'd loose you like I lost Elaine; not being able to do anything.
So, me being the idiot I am, I thought that trying to rid myself of my feelings for you wouldn't make me feel like that again.
In result, I slept with a total stranger.
I realized what I had done was so goddamn wrong not even a year after we all split up, and. . .I've been trying to end myself for it since.
But I'm Ban the Undying, so that didn't exactly workout," Finishing off, my red eyes glanced at her and her lip was quivering.

"You. . .Did. . .WHAT?!"


She slapped me across the face when letting me go. I staggered back, but stayed up.

Ouch! That actually hurt!




I deserve it though.

"Don't you dare think about doing that again! I know you're immortal, but that's no excuse!
A girl came to me in my dreams a few days ago, and said that she was Elaine-"


"-and told me that you're falling in love with me all over again.
I didn't believe her at first, but she's an exact replica like you described her.
So, if you're really falling in love with me, then prove it," Her eyes dared me to show her, because right now, she's not so sure.

Walking up to her, one hand held the small of her back while I put my other on the back of her neck.

"I'm not giving up on you, because inside, I know who you really are, and what your sin means for someone you love. . ." She realized what I was saying and tears glossed over her dark blue eyes.

". . .it means that you'll be greedy, so let me be greedy.
Because I don't want to share you."

We said in complete sync and she smiled at me.

Those were the words she said to me on our first year anniversary, over ten years ago.

"I love you, Ban the Undead."

"I love you, Queen Nixilia," I whispered back, our lips inches apart from eachother and we closed our eyes and started to lean in.

I love you so much. . .

And we shared a passionate kiss.

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