Chapter 9: reveals and escapes

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Hi I'm back with another chapter so I'm kinda to try the book out while trying to make sure that it still flows well which means that it would always follow the exactly lines or events as the books, I am going to add in my own lines and scenes to ensure that I can properly adaptable to my style, it's like a mash between the movie, the books and my head. This chapter is getting to the end of the book and getting down to the nitty gritty. you for all the favourites, follows and pms, please don't forget to review. Don't forget to follow/favourite/review/ pm me because I would love to hear what you think, also pm me if you have any suggestions or requests for this story.

Chapter 9: reveals and escapes

Eventually Jace, Clary and Luke along with his werewolves stood outside the old Remwick hospital in New York where Magnus had located Piper was being kept by Valentine as Jace silently wished that they had been there soon to rescue her despite sending her a fire message telling her that he was coming for her it didn't calm the worry inside of him as he wonder and worried about what Valentine was doing to her. They had a plan that involved the werewolves mostly taking care of Valentine's minions whether it be the forsaken or demons allowing Jace, Clary and Luke to go find Piper as well as allow them to explore the abandoned hospital for any signs of Jocelyn since they knew that Valentine was also holding her captive, however their plan involved them waiting until night time before attacking and making their move

" I hate that we have to wait around here while she's in there scared and alone suffering god knows what because of Valentine" Jace said pacing while Clary went to check out the area

" I know but the night will give us the cover that we'll need and right now we need every advance that we can get" Luke said knowing what Jace was going through as he thought of Jocelyn

" the rational part of me is telling me that but the irrational part of me wants to storm inside of that building and get my girl back" he said hating that he was becoming more and more emotional

" trust me, I know what you're going through. My girl is in there too and if Piper is who I think she is then I want her back just as badly as you do" he said knowing that he'll know the moment he saw her

" it's just I know how cruel Valentine can be and not just because of the stories Piper told me from her childhood but because I remember Valentine killing my dad in front of me" he said full of bitter

" Michael Wayland was your father right? I remember you dad, he was parabati with Robert Lightwood" he said knowing that was the reason why the Lightwoods had raised Michael's son

" yeah, it's partly why me and Alec became parabati. We grew up with stories of them fighting side by side together, although it was almost me and Piper" he said knowing parabati can't fall in love with each other

" did you know your dad?" Luke said knowing that there was something niggling at him as he looked at Jace as he mentally compared him to the Michael Wayland he remembered and something didn't add up

" yeah he was killed when I was ten, he trained me pretty hard too" he said remembering the bird story that he had told Piper on her birthday as he thought about her training compared to his

" was he tough on you? Like was he mean?" Luke said as his feeling of unease began to grow since this didn't sound like the Michael Wayland he knew from way back when as a shadowhunter

" I guess he was, he once killed my pet bird that I had tamed as he thought I taught it to love me and not to be a killer like it was meant to be" he said thinking about how this was all he knew

" that doesn't sound like Michael, he was always kind and friendly if not slightly blunt bit who wasn't back then. All I'm saying maybe you should look into your parentage some more" Luke said almost warning him as making Jace confused, however before he could answer Clary came back

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