Chapter 14: all things faerie

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Hi I'm back with another chapter, I know it's been while since I posted and that's mostly because I haven't felt like writing if I'm honest and I'm not sure how I will post for but I'm back from now. I'm now on city of ashes aka book two which I think I will make it a little easier to convey it into my story because there's no real adaption of it to get confused with it to influence my writing like with city of bones and the movie butI am going to add in my own lines and scenes to ensure that I can properly adaptable to my style, it's like a mash between the movie, the books and my head.I've kinda just decided to do my own thing in this chapter because of the story didn't work exactly and I just felt this was more fitting and a little different so hopefully you enjoy it. you for all the favourites, follows and pms, please don't forget to review. Don't forget to follow/favourite/review/ pm me because I would love to hear what you think, also pm me if you have any suggestions or requests for this story.

 Don't forget to follow/favourite/review/ pm me because I would love to hear what you think, also pm me if you have any suggestions or requests for this story

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^Piper's outfit^

Chapter 14: all things faerie

Piper was slightly disorientated when she woke up the next day as everything slowly began to come back to her as she remembered that the inquisitor had been trying end hardest to try and punish her as a result of her complicated past with Valentine as she began to remember that she was living with Magnus Bane as a result of that since the Clave and the inquisitor agreed to allow him to hold her prisoner instead being completely unaware of her relationship with him. Eventually she decided to get up out of bed and to the kitchen still wearing her lilac sleeper tank jumpsuit that she has worn to bed, her hair was also up in a mass of braids and a bun. When she headed into the kitchen she could see that Magnus was already awake and had began to make her something to eat and much to her delight already had an extra strong cup of coffee waiting for her as she headed straight for it

" well hello you, did you sleep ok?" Magnus said as soon as he noticed that she had entered the room and was now sitting at the table beginning to snack on the fruit that he had cut up for her

" you mean did I sleep ok despite the fact that my government who I've worked for years to keep safe think that I'm evil and am currently working with my father? I slept fine" she said more than a little bitter

" yeah despite all of that... you've been throughout a lot and I don't just mean recently, Little Shadowhunter" he said thinking about the life she was forced to lead due the angel blood in her veins

" you mean because I'm a shadowhunter or a Morgenstern because neither of them have made my life easy"she said sitting down at the breakfast table as she began to sip her coffee as they talked about it

" you aren't just those things, not anymore. I mean now you're a sister, a twin, a Fairchild and even a girlfriend might I dare say" he said giving her a smile as he hinted to whatever was going on between her and Jace

" yeah I don't know what any of them mean and I don't know how to be any of those things"she said sighing into her cup as she placed her foot onto the chair so that it was pressed against her chest

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