This is based on the idea that Clary had a sister that was raised within in the shadowhunter world, follow Piper as she tries to find her place within the craziness that her works had become since her mission to kill a demon with her freinds was dis...
Hi I'm back with another chapter, I'm now on city of ashes aka book two which I think I will make it a little easier to convey it into my story because there's no real adaption of it to get confused with it to influence my writing like with city of bones and the movie butI am going to add in my own lines and scenes to ensure that I can properly adaptable to my style, it's like a mash between the movie, the books and my head. So I've added my own little twist to this which will be explored more in the next few chapter which I hope you all like. you for all the favourites, follows and pms, please don't forget to review. Don't forget to follow/favourite/review/ pm me because I would love to hear what you think, also pm me if you have any suggestions or requests for this story.
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^Piper's outfit^
Chapter 13: city of blood
To say that Jace and Piper had been having a day was an understatement as they both thought back on how the morning had started with them laying bed together talking about the day before then getting ready for the meeting that the had with the inquisitor sent by the Clave to determine what had happened with Valentine, however the thing soon turned into a witch hunt where Imogen Harondale seemed to determined to make Piper pay for her father's crimes which ended up with them being locked up in the city of bones. It wasn't before long when Jace and Piper began to hear the familiar sounds of people fighting above them as they both tried to work out some way for them to get out of the cell so that they could fight together. Suddenly some of the silent brothers began to run towards them before being cut down by whatever was coming for them as a familiar began to walk towards them making Piper's blood turn cold as soon as she laid eyes on her father
" if it isn't two out three of my children" Valentine said looking between Piper and Jace as she felt the hate she felt for him slowly beginning to build up as he continued the pretence of Jace being his son
" actually it's only one of your three children, Clary isn't here and I've never actually met my twin brother seeing as you were lying about Jace being your son" she said glad that her voice didn't betray her true feelings
" Piper did a test to prove that you were lying" Jace said suddenly worried where he came from them as he realised that he only had Valentine's word to go on that he was Michael Wayland's son
" ahh... you also were a smart child and so eager to prove it to to others" he said moving his attention to Piper as he knew that he had to get her onto his side and his way of thinking soon
" what are you doing here, father? Why did you kill the silent brothers?" She said hoping to get some answer from him for something to go on so that she could finally work all of this out better
" well they were a little reluctant to hand this over so I persuaded them the best way that I know how" he said showing them both the mortal sword that was held in the city of bones for the Clave
" the mortal sword? What the hell do you want with the mortal sword?" Jace said realising that he was a little nervous about the fact he seemed to be going after all the mortal instruments for some reason