This is based on the idea that Clary had a sister that was raised within in the shadowhunter world, follow Piper as she tries to find her place within the craziness that her works had become since her mission to kill a demon with her freinds was dis...
Hi I'm back with another chapter. I'm now on city of ashes aka book two which I think I will make it a little easier to convey it into my story because there's no real adaption of it to get confused with it to influence my writing like with city of bones and the movie butI am going to add in my own lines and scenes to ensure that I can properly adaptable to my style, it's like a mash between the movie, the books and my head so it might not follow the same order of events or be exact because it is my own work. I've kinda just decided to do my own thing in this chapter because of the story didn't work exactly and I just felt this was more fitting and a little different so hopefully you enjoy it. Thank you for all the favourites, follows and pms, please don't forget to review. Don't forget to follow/favourite/review/ pm me because I would love to hear what you think, also pm me if you have any suggestions or requests for this story
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^Piper's outfit^
Chapter 19: calm before the storm
It had been a few days since Piper had discovered that Jace was a member of Herondale family after weeks of not knowing who he was really without the lie of being Michael Wayland's son and in that time Jace had managed to somewhat convince the woman he now knew to be his grandmother that Piper wasn't the threat that she had once believed which lead to her deciding to let Piper out of the cage that she had placed her in. However she decided that with the trade still being offered to Valentine that it was too risky for Piper to be returned to Magnus's custody in case Valentine grabbed before they could make the trade meaning that Piper was left to go back to her old bedroom tang felt strange after weeks of not being there, it felt strange being there as if the room didn't belong to her anymore or represent who she was anymore. One morning Jace left a note on the side of her bed that he usually slept in inviting her to come to the training room to meet him in so they could work out together knowing that they both could do with a good work out to release some of their frustrations as Piper got changed into a grey sports bra, a pair of green leggings and a pair of grey trainers to match her sports bra. She decided to place a green bandana in her hair to keep it out of her eyes before placing braids in her hair and putting it up into a ponytail, she wore little makeup since she saw no point in it because she was just going to sweat it out working with Jace. Piper grabbed her water bottle before heading to the training room which was empty as she began to wonder where he was since this was idea as she began to warm up
" hey, here I was thinking that I was going to have to drag you out of bed or maybe lure you out of it with the promise of really strong coffee" Jace said coming in a while later dressed for a work out
" maybe work out now and coffee later? Hey so how come this was your idea and I got here before you?" Piper said taking off he tshirt which left her in her sports bra to allow her to move more freely
" oh that's because Alec was called into a meeting with his parents and Imogen so me and Izzy tried to catch him before he went to question him about it but we were too late" he said knowing it was something big