BamBam #2

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Y/N = Your Name

" BamBam !" You yelled out from the bathroom worriedly, not even a few seconds later he rushed into the bathroom worriedly.

"What?! Are you okay?! Did something happen?!" He frantically asked checking you everywhere to see if anything was wrong.

You began to blush furiously "well you technically can't actually see it...."
You said blushing looking red as a tomato, BamBam gave you a confused look.
"Okay....this is going to be really awkward but...can you um maybe go buy me some tampons? I ran out....and you know Mother Nature came" you mumbled half embarrassed and half nervously anxious for his response.
All you hear is BamBam laugh you look at him seeing him give you a grin and creased your cheek.
"That's all? Really? You know you shouldn't be embarrassed to tell me these things jagiya ! We have been dating for the last two years you should feel comfortable telling me this stuff" he told you seriously you nodded feeling him kiss your forehead gently before backing up.
"I'll be back with your stuff just stay here for now" he said giving you a warm smile which you returned.
"Thank you bammie " you said using his nickname you gave him, BamBam only rolled his eyes chuckling before leaving your guys room and a minute later you hear your apartment door close.

You smiled feeling thankful for having such a caring and understanding boyfriend even though most of the times he's a weird guy but you don't care because that makes him really special to you and you just love his personality really.
You grabbed your phone and watched a few videos sitting on top of the toilet lid patiently waiting for BamBam.

A couple minutes later.

A door slammed shut making you look up from your phone hearing footsteps coming up to your room you share with BamBam.

Just then BamBam walked in with two bags he set them down on the bed and turned to you handing you one of the bags.
"I didn't know which brand to get you so I got you two of them and I also got you these things that look like pampers ...they are really weird looking ..the worker helped me out because I was lost ..also why do tampons looks so weird? Like how do you even put them o-"
You cut BamBam off before he can ramble any further by kissing his lip slowly then pulled back taking the bag from his hand.
"I'm not going to tell you and thank you jagi " you told him kissing his cheek before telling to leave the bathroom for you to do your priorities first.
You soon came out of the bathroom seeing BamBam laying on the bed that had some snacks on top and a movie was being played on the tv.
"BamBam what's all this?" You asked chuckling slightly seeing him look at you like a kid on Christmas.
"Well since I remember you get cramps I wanted to have a lazy day with you" he replied smiling you grinned getting into bed next to him and pecked his lips.
"Thank you for taking care of me " you mumbled in his neck while hugging his waist and tangling your legs with his.
"Your welcome but I mean your my girlfriend that's my job to take care of you...and to love you" he said looking down at you, you got lost in his eyes and he pulled you into a kiss which began to get really heated, you were now on top on his crotch area running your hands on his chest not once breaking the kiss as he rubbed the sides of your waist.

"Hey BamBam I wanted to reminded you tom- YAHHHHH MY EYES !OH MY GOD  ! OH MY GOD ! OH NO!  OH MY GOTCHI ! NOOPE BYE! "
You both suddenly hear making you pull away and turn to see Youngjae running away covering his eyes along with Yugyeom while Jackson was there squealing like a school girl holding both of his hand looking at us, and Mark only chuckled rolling his eyes.
"Yeah next time look your apartment door if you are going to do something not ...well appropriate" Mark said laughing you blushed getting of BamBam standing up bowing your head at him.
"I'm sorry but we weren't going to do anything else bedsides that" you told him Mark only smiled at you nodding accepting your apology.

"Yahhhh! BamBam you are becoming a man!"  Jackson said wiping a fake a tear BamBam laughed and threw him a pillow which Jackson only dodged.
"Anyways we came to tell you tomorrow we have practice till 5pm and that we all came tonight because it was supposed to be movie night with everyone but I see you started early" Mark explained pointing to the tv which I turned off shaking my head pulling BamBam off the bed with me and followed Mark and Jackson out of our room to down stairs.
"No it's okay we weren't watching it anyways sorry we forgot movie night guys" you apologized as you made it downstairs.
"It's okay as long as we still have movie night" Jackson replied we head to the living room seeing the rest of the guys sitting on the couch setting up the DVD player.
Youngjae was in his seat staring off into space his mouth slightly open and Yugyeom was just looking around awkwardly.
"Ah sorry about that guys " BamBam said laughing at Youngjae and Yugyeom who looked at him glaring.
"I lost my innocence!" Yugyeom explained I rolled my eyes scoffing making him look at me.
"Since when are you innocent? All I know Youngjae is the only one to be innocent here ! Not even Jinyoung is innocent he can be a little hoe sometimes "  you said laughing your butt off wth everyone and Jinyoung only rolled his eyes at you but had a small smile on his face.
"Yeah that's true" JB said earring a smack from Jinyoung that only caused him to laugh harder.
We all gathered around and sat in different places turning the light off and began to watch Minions guess who chose it? Yup Yugyeom and Youngjae.
I cuddled to BamBam's side feeling his gently massage my stomach above my shirt calming my cramps a little loving the warmth of his hand.
Halfway through the movie you began to fed your eyes start closing feeling relaxed.
"I love you bammie " you mumbled tiredly in his chest for only him to hear, BamBam smiled hearing those words and pulled you closer into his chest kissing your head.
"I love you too Y/N, forever."  He whispered in your ear smiling making you look at him and smile.

Then you fell asleep in the arms of your love peacefully.

I'm sorry if this was horrible and if it sounded cheesy! Please comment what you think or vote if I should keep doing more ! 💕

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