Yugyeom #6

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  Your Pov.

I smiled kindly seeing my brothers members come in with a cake. Today was my birthday December 23 two days before Christmas and on my birthday I have always gilded my gifts to open them on Christmas Day instead of my birthday, since for me I mostly cared more of my family,friends and food of course.
"Yah my little babo is finally 20 Years old she is no longer a teenager " my older brother, Xiumin, said smiling widely at me, I chuckled pulling my brother who I am really close to into a hug.
"Thank you for the cake baozi!" I told him happily ruffling his hair making him groan and push me away.
I turned to the rest of his members also known as EXO and smiled bowing at them.
"Thank you guys for coming today ! Now let's get some cake!"I yelled happily clapping with all of them.
"Make a wish y/n !" Baekhyun said as Sehun lit up the single candle on the cake. I walked in front of it as they all began to sing happy birthday to me, I giggled hearing how off tune Chanyeol was as well as Baekhyun and Kai , Sehun was just clapping singing along, Shui looked like a proud mother watching their kid turn one while taking pictures on his phone, Xiumin was singing along recording with his phone, and Chen was just being Chen if you get what I mean.
When they stopped singing , I thought of my wish before blowing the candle making them all cheer.

*le slip brought to you by Double B*

After celebrating with my brother and his members, I decided to leave back to JYPE building to celebrate it with my members and the rest of the JYP family since I was also an idol , I was the lead rapper for my group, G/N
(Groups Name)
I was the youngest in my group, it was 4 members with myself included.
I arrived at the JYPE building seeing poster at the entrance with my face and letters saying "Happy Birthday y/n !!"
I smiled knowing it was JYP who did this since he does this with all of us in the entertainment on our birthdays.
I took out my phone and took pictures of it before walking in the building.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYY" I hear as I headed down the hall to the room where we have parties or big family dinners at.
I looked up seeing BamBam and Yugyeom fun over to me, my heart began to race upon seeing Yugyeom. He looked so handsome with his light brown hair styled nicely, and was dressed nicely as well.
"Thank you guys" I replied pulling them into hugs.
"Umm I'll be right back I have to go pee " BamBam said smirking before leaving not before doing a dab, I laughed at his randomness. Then I turned to Yugyeom who was already looking at me, we both looked down blushing at the eye contact.
Let me tell you about me and Yugyeom, you see I've had a crush on him since he debuted in GOT7. Yugyeom was the first to make me feel welcomed here at JYP when I became a trainee. Though I don't think he would return his feelings, yes he does cute things with me sometimes but I don't know , he could just be doing it to be nice.
"Hey come with me " he suddenly spoke up brining me into the dance practice room. I blushed at the contact of his hand with mine.
We walked in and he closed the door before sitting me down on the couch as he grabbed a stool and sat on it in the middle of the rooms as he looked at me with a expression I couldn't read.
"Yugyeom what's th-"
I shut up instantly and just looked at him, he cleared his throat and began smiling while blushing , and began fiddling with his fingers.

"Y/N-ah I finally asked your brother if I can do this after so many years two days ago, even though when I went I was absolutely scared " he said laughing a bit scratching his neck nervously making me giggle at his cuteness waiting for him to continue.
"But after so many years I finally got the courage to tell you, Y/N we have been close friends for so many years, from us being scrawny kids to you become a successful beautiful young woman you were supposed to be, and me well I just became me. I'm nothing compared to you.." he paused as he made eye contact with me making me freeze wanting to know more about what he is trying to say.
Wait is he-
"I'm nothing without you actually, the moment you walked in to the Trainee practice room you caught my attention, you were something special, I knew you would be special to me.
Y/N what I'm trying to say I have been in love with you for so many years now, I just never had the courage to tell you because I was afraid of rejection , I was afraid of losing our friendship, I was afraid of loosing you.  I was afraid you wouldn't feel the same, why did I wait till now? Well because I promised myself that I would confess to you when I truly knew that I wanted you to be with me for the rest of my life,  Y/N Kim I love you so much, I love you for you, I love everything you hate about yourself, I love the stretch mark you have in your stomach because of how you were an overweight child, I love how inspiring you are, I love just how your body is and you how you are, you don't change because of anyone. I love you , will you do the honor of being my girlfriend and make me the happiest guy on earth?"
By this point I had happy tears coming down, it was silent till I stood up walking over to him and walking into his arm feeling him hug me as I hugged back.
"I love you , yes"
Yugyeom kisses my forehead and hugged me tighter as I hear cheering and clapping start. I look around seeing GOT7,Day6,TWICE,Stray Kids, My group members , And EXO I saw Xiumin wall up to Yugyeom as well a the rest of the boys.
"FINALLY YOU ASKED HER OUT!" Chan from Stray kids who has been friends with BamBam and Yugyeom for a long time yelled out making everyone else agree and me laugh.

"Oh no.." I mumbled feeling embarrassed already burring my face into Yugyeom's neck.
"Yah! If you hurt her ,I will personally come and attack you with all my will , you won't be seein-"
Xiumin cut off Suho by covering his mouth.
"Just take care of her okay? I trust you with my little sister " he said making Yugyeom nod giving my brother a reassuring smile.
As Xiumin turned to walked away to go get food at my birthday party here in JYPE all the other members of exo turned and signaled their eyes then to Yugyeom saying they were watching him making me laugh as everyone was heading out to go eat.
"OKAY YOU CAN LEAVE HIM NOW LETS GO EAT"  Jackson yelled walking up to me picking me up throwing me over his shoulder walking out.
"YAH JACKSON HYUNG COME BACK WITH MY GIRLFRIEND!!!" Yugyeom yelled running after us as Jackson began to run away making me laugh.
I smiled at the thought of my birthday wish I did over at SM with my brother
I wished for wanting to feel wanted and loved by someone who loved me and I loved back.
Huh guess a Christmas miracle or birthday are true..


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