Mark #5

513 21 17

Mark sighed looking into the crowd of Igot7 which he proudly called family.
They had just finished their concert and were saying goodbye before walking off stage Mark lagging a bit behind.

He recently has been feeling really down and heartbroken after being led on by a girl who only toyed with his feelings and ended up rejecting him and had a boyfriend already.

Even though that was three months ago he can't help but feel sad and heartbroken today, was he not good enough? He thought.
Mark thought many things like how he would never get a girlfriend they probably think his is too ugly or he's not good enough for them.

The boys told him to forget that stupid girl which he did but this morning he couldn't help but get into his feels after hearing some sad music play in the radio.
Luckily for Mark he met an amazing girl named Y/N aka you and my did Mark fell for you.

You were a new clothes stylist for Day6 to be specific Jae's clothes stylist.
Jae had introduced you to him when he visited them, you and Mark instantly hit it off having a lot in common and just had good laughs for the past month in a half.
Mark would visit you often when he had the chance in the JYPE building knowing you would most likely be with  Day6.
Mark after two weeks he asked you out on a date which you happily accepted, he took you out to eat pizza, then you went for a night walk on the beach then you both build a sandcastle being like children all over again and danced together to some music he had on his phone and just talked enjoying each other's presence for you it was your best date, you were glad he didn't go all out on the date which is what you really like about him, Mark is the type to not be really romantic when it comes to dates and that makes you happy because you weren't really the romantic type either.
Of course he began to take you out on dates every weekend because those were your days off but after the weekend the Day6 boys would tease you non stop about having a crush on Mark and Mark having a crush on you.

Sadly for Mark he hasn't seen you in two weeks he's been busy and he feels really bad that he hasn't been able to take you out to dates no more even after so many texts and calls he does apologizing for it, you tell him it's okay you are just happy he's out there doing his thing and as long as when he comes back he takes you out to eat sushi you are fine with it which results in him laughing smiling through the phone at how cute you are.

"Mark hyung!"
Mark snapped out of his world looking up to see Jackson looking at him with a concerned face.
"Yeah?" He replied looking at him with a confused expression. Jackson sighed rubbing his back.
"I already know why you are so down, forget about that dumb bimbo ! You have y/n she's way better and cuter!" Jackson said smiling slightly mentioning your name knowing it will work on Mark which is did because he began to slowly smile at the thought of you.

"YAHHHH I MADE HIM SMILEE!" Jackson yelled out happily running to the boys who looked over and smiled seeing their hyung smiling again knowing already why he was so down.
"That's my job"
They suddenly hear which made Jinyoung smile knowing his little surprise had just arrived aka you, he saw how sad Mark had gotten since last night and booked you a flight as quick as possible knowing he missed you a lot and he just wanted him to be happy again.

Mark turned his head quickly you thought his neck would snap and grinned seeing you behind him smiling.
Mark pulled you into a tight hug feeling tears brim in his eyes while you hear the guys happily awwing or commenting things.
"Mark don't cry" you said quietly giggling running your hand through his hair on  the back of his head and  rubbing his neck as he leaned his head town to your shoulder since you were short you reached up to his shoulders.

Thought what you said didn't help, Mark let the tear drops fall as he buried his head into your neck feeling so happy he got to see you again, Mark was deeply in love with you and he knew this time he wasn't being led on he just had a feeling he wasn't.
You heard sniffs coming from him and tear drops on your neck but you didn't mind you kept hugging him smiling happily, after months you both finally got to see each other.
You see the boys slowly start to leave to give you guys privacy after Jinyoung told them too, not before BamBam and Yugyeom waved happily at you mouthing a 'hello' and giving a wink then closed the door behind them.

You chuckled at them before pulling back from the hug taking marks face in your hands wiping his tears away, he stared down at you with this loving gaze he only had set for you and only you with a smile of his face.
"I missed you so much" you told him meeting his eyes still smiling , he chuckled and pulled you into a another quick hug before pulling back and kissing your lips gently but slowly.
You both smiled into the kiss knowing you both had been dying to do this in a while.
After 7 minutes you pulled away from your kiss which ended up being a make-out session.
"I miss you too y/n " mark said happily you grinned up at him and kissed his cheek.
"I love you"
Marks eyes got wide but he began to grin like crazy and you couldn't see his eyes anymore because he was smiling the big hearing those words for the first time.
Mark didn't hesitate to answer back honestly to you.
"I love you too"
You smiled knowing your cheeks will end up hurting, he pecked your lips while pulling you into his embrace but that sweet moment was cut off when you hear a slam and you both turn to see all of got7 on the floor, the door was now open, everyone had fallen except for BamBam and Yugyeom who had a cringedm face.
"Ewwww"they both said while you and mark playfully flared at them but laughed at the end.
"I'm glad you're happy again" Jinyoung spike up looking at Mark smiling warmly which Mark returned not before looking down at you smiling pulling you close to his side.
"I will always be as long as I'm with y/n , I'll always be happy"

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