Youngjae #4

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You smiled looking at the rain drops fall on your window of the bus, you loved rainy days. They always made you feel calm and relaxed.
You see your bus stoped at your spot , you were on your way to visit your boyfriend of a year, Youngjae, he had told you he was currently free this afternoon and if you wanted to hangout.

Of course you bring you, you said yes since you rarely see your boyfriend do to all his practices he does with his group since they are Kpop idols but hey if it's what if takes for dating such a wonderful man like him then it's worth a wait.

You love Youngjae with all your heart, he made you little cloudy world into a slightly brighter one.

Walking up to the JYPE building you see him standing outside standing with an umbrella speaking with some fans who happened to be outside in the rain with their umbrellas and coats.
There was about 5 fans and they seemed to be freezing but still decided to talk to one of their favorite idols who was speaking to them with a bright smile and attitude.
"Aren't you guys cold?" You head Youngjae asked them worriedly even with their teeth chattering they shook their head giving him a smile.
"No oopa we are okay" one of them told him kindly, you being the caring person you were you walked into the convince store that was by JYPE and bought 5 hot chocolates for the dedicated fans of your boyfriend who stood in the rain, freezing their butts of just to speak with him.
After paying you walked out of the store with the cardboard tray over to Youngjae just in time to hear one of the fans ask him.

"Who are you waiting for oppa ?"
Youngjae looked over at the girl and smiled letting out a small giggle feeling a blush rise to his cheeks.
"Ahh I'm waiting for my girlfriend y/n " he said happily making you grin at him a happy feeling coming through you after hearing those words.
The fans awwed and gushed about you two when you finally decided to walk up to them.
""Y/N? " Youngjae asked checking to see if it's really you, you smiled nodding then turned to the fans who bowed with smiled greeting you with a hello.
"Annyeonghaseyo! " you said back smiling before offering them the tray and they gave you a surprised look.
"I saw you guys out here in the rain freezing while talking to Youngjae here and I waned to give you guys something to warm you up" you said giving them a warm smile, the girls looked flustered and smiled genuinely at you.
"kamsahamnida !" One of the girls who was holding a phone recording said gracefully and one girl grabbed the tray from your hands carefully passing each girl a cup.
You smiled at them before turning to Youngjae who was looking down at you with a look full of happiness and love.
"Jagi we should go " he said after a few seconds you nodded at him and you both said goodbye to the fans and walked away hand in hand in the rain, Youngjae holding the umbrella above your heads.
" I missed you , tour was hard without you but I'm glad I'm back now it means I get to spend more time with you" Youngjae said after a peaceful silence you were both now in a park full of cherry blossom trees and they all looked beautiful, their color standing out in the weather.
"I missed you too , taking care of CoCo without you is a real pain in the butt! She took a poop on my shoe!" You said laughing after thinking of that day when you saw CoCo walking away from one of your shoes innocently.

Youngjae being to laugh loudly at his CoCo
"Aish that CoCo ...sorry about her" he replied chuckling stopping making you stop walking as well.
Chuckling you shook your head "ani it's okay you're here now that's all that matters, I'm glad you're back safe"
You hugged him tight after him doing the same but only with one arm since he was holding the umbrella with the other hand.

"Care to dance?" You hear him suddenly ask making you confused , when you went to look up at him you felt rain drops on you face.
You see he set the umbrella on the bench closed and him on his phone looking for a song.
"Are you crazy?! You are going to get si-"
He cut you off with a slow peck
"Shhhhh just dance with me" he said giving you a soft smile putting his phone in his front jacket pocket.
It Will Rain by Bruno Mars began to play and you smiled hearing the song, it was the song you both heard when you first met, you were both out attending that day Jackson's birthday dinner since you are Jackson's best friend you were invited obviously. And you had bumped into Youngjae while this song played and he shyly asked you to dance that night seeing everyone was having a good time slow dancing to this song at the restaurants dance floor.

You both grin at each other the memories coming back to both of your minds, you wrapped your arms around his neck and he wrapped his around your waist while keeping his head down looking at you since you were shorter.
Staring into each other's eyes you both swayed to the song slowly not stopping your smiles.
"That was really nice of you, you know what you did for my fans" he told you in a low voice you blushed shrugging.
"Hey it's the least I can do, they are the ones who make you happy and let you keep doing what you love, their the main reason I met you besides Jackson, I wouldn't of met you through Jackson if you weren't put into a group together and still stayed strong together because of them. I thank them all because they brought me the person who can brighten up my little dark world" you tell him feeling a happy tear fall from your eyes as you smiled up at him lovingly with your eyes looking at him with so much passion.

Youngjae grinned wiping your tear pulling you into a kiss full of passion that you gladly returned back.
After a few seconds he pulled back and took out a little box he opened it and inside you see a beautiful ring.

 After a few seconds he pulled back and took out a little box he opened it and inside you see a beautiful ring

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" I know it's not much but this is a promise ring... I want to thank you for being the best girlfriend ever, the only girlfriend I ever had actually. With this ring I promise to respect you, I promise to take care of you in anytime in need, I promise to make you smile and laugh everyday, I promise to love and cherish you forever. I promise to be with you for as long as god wants us together and I hope that's a long time ...because I really- I am really in love with you y/n you got me going crazy ,you make me happy , you are my light , you're my rock. Your the love of my life, and I know when the time is right later on ..I know this promise ring will be replaced by something else... it would be an engagement ring instead of a promise ring. I promise I will make you one day my wife, I promise one day you will be called a Choi instead of a L/N  (last name)
I love you so much Y/N L/N .... promise me this is forever..."

He wiped the tears that fell from your eyes laughing at you slightly making you chuckle and wrap him in a hug.
" I love you so much more Choi Youngjae and I can't wait for that right time because I know I will say yes.... and I promise you, this is forever."
you said pecking his lips after pulling back he grinned and slid the ring on your ring finger happily.
"aaaCHOO" he sneezed turning his head the other way and turned back to you smiling sheepishly his wet hair sticking to his forehead as your wet hair stuck to the side of your face and neck.
You smacked his arm " SEE ! I TOLD YOU !
YOU WERE GOING O GET STICK AISHHH PABO! " you grab him arm and the umbrella opening it again and began to walk dragging him along with you.
Youngjae only laughed before he let out a cough it sounded like he was dying which only made you and him laugh harder.
" I'm sorry jagiya!"
You rolled your eyes with a small smile on your lips as you looked down at your intertwined hands seeing the ring he gave you and grinned widely after.

I hope that time does come when you propose  Choi Youngjae ... I love you forever.

I really really hope you all enjoyed this Youngjae imagine ! I apologize if it's too cheesy!  I really would appreciate it if you guys commented you thoughts through out the images. I really enjoy reading them ! Please vote if I should do more, do you guys have any scenarios for any of the other boys I haven't done yet which are Mark, JB, and Yugyeom. Please comment your scenarios because I ran out of ideas! I will shout you out as well for the wonderful ideas ! I HOPE YOU ALL LOVED IT ! I LOVE YOU ALL MY SWEET POTATOES 😂❤️❤️❤️

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