BamBam #3

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3rd POV.
(You'll have a name here Yoona Lee
"Ok let's see this thing " BamBam says to his best friend Yugyeom who lifts up his shirt slightly showing his hip were a gaze was taped there with some blood on.
"Oh! " BamBam said in amazement taking a good look at his wound as he tried to touch it making Yugyeom go back.
"Woah!" as he put his shirt back down while BamBam just put his hand down.
"It was too dark to see much but I'm pretty sure it was a wolf " Yugyeom told him as he grabbed his backpack from his bike putting it on his shoulders.
" a wolf bit you?" BamBam asked his not believing his words that came out of his mouth  as they began walking towards the school entrance.
"Uh huh"
"No not a chance"
"I heard a wolf howling"
"No you didn't!"
Yugyeom chuckles "what do you mean no I didn't ? How do you know what I heard?"
BamBam laughed " Cause South Korea doesn't have wolves! Not in like sixty years"
They halted their walk  while BamBam stood in front of Yugyeom looking at him thinking this is all bullshit.
(Idk if there is but just go with it)
" really?"
"Yes really! There are no wolves in South Korea"  BamBam said looking at Yugyeom like he was stupid.
" alright well if you don't believe about the wolf then you are definitely not gonna believe me that when I tell you I found the body"Yugyeom replied looking at BamBam who began to spazz out laughing in joy.
"Are you kidding me ?" BamBam asks in disbelief putting his hand on Yugyeoms shoulder who shook his head .
"I wish , I'm gonna have nightmares for a month "
BamBam lets out a wheeze/chuckle
"That is freakin! awesome ! This is the best thing that has happened to this town since-"
BamBam cut himself off briefly seeing you walk next to your best friend Minghao past them towards the school entrance with the look awe in BamBam's face.
"Since the birth of Lee Yoona!! Heyyyyy Yoona, you look -" he cuts himself off from waving awkwardly with a love struck on his face seeing you walk past him minding your own business ignoring him as you talked with Minghao.
"Like you are gonna ignore me"
BamBam runs his tongue through his cheeks to his mouth annoyed before turning his head back  to Yugyeom.
"You're the cause of this you know?"
"Uh huh.." Yugyeom replied rolling his eyes
"Dragging me down in your nerd depths " BamBam said giving Yugyeom a playful glared as he continued his words while they walked towards the entrance hearing the bell ring meaning time for class.
"I'm a nerd by association. I'm scarnerded by  you"
Yugeyom rolled his eyes at the non existent word that BamBam had just said. Going to his locker with BamBam who's was right next to his and began getting his stuff for class out putting his backpack inside.
Yugyeom just looks at his best friend and chuckles seeing BamBam staring down the hallway wear you stood with Jungkook being all lovey dovey also in how freakin in love his best friend was in love with you since the third grade but you didn't notice him because you were dating the school's caption of the lacrosse team also known as Jeon Jungkook . You were too blinded by Jungkook's love to notice BamBam what's so ever.
"Don't worry bro you'll get a chance" Yugyeom said seeing BamBam looking back over to him then to as you left with Jungkook to class with his arm wrapped around your shoulder. He saw you smile up at Jungkook as did he before Jungkook gave you a hug and peck on the lips leaving you in your class before walking away to his. BamBam glared grumbling to himself while Yugyeom watched in amusement.
"Yeah but as long as Jungkook isn't with her then I have my chance in ...hmmm probably never!" BamBam replied sarcastically rolling his eyes adjusting his backpacks.
Before you went in your class you felt someone looking at you so you turn your head to the right seeing BamBam down the hall and smile at him waving deciding to notice the boy for once who you always thought was a bit weird since he always seemed to be staring at you in your science class,and English.
BamBam saw you smiled at him and froze not believing his eyes as he was in awe struck.
"Hi Yoona !" He said feeling a boost of confidence waving as you just smiled politely walking into your class leaving him happy as BamBam jumped up with his fist going in the air.
Yugyeom just laughed watching his best friend be happy because for once finally in his life he had been noticed by his crush before dragging him into their class before they went late.
And let's just say with just one simple smile and waved you changed both of your worlds forever.

I hope you guys loved this chapter like how much I did and yes I did get inspired by TEEN WOLF! I freaking love that show so much I'm so sad it ended 😭 but I decided to do the iconic Stiles and Lydia scene from episode 1 of season 1

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I hope you guys loved this chapter like how much I did and yes I did get inspired by TEEN WOLF! I freaking love that show so much I'm so sad it ended 😭 but I decided to do the iconic Stiles and Lydia scene from episode 1 of season 1. Comment, Vote, or follow let me know if you been liking these. Later my lil chickens 💚💚

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