Rest In Peace Jonghyun

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I have been having a headache today, from all the crying and heart break. I'm in a full loss of words, so I won't make this long because I don't know what to think. Today we lost a beautiful angelic soul that deserved more than the world, Kim Jonghyun. Thank you for being apart of the reason why I got into Kpop, thank you for making many of us smile and have joy even when you were going through such a rough time. It breaks my heart that I couldn't do anything in order to prevent it or make you feel better, many of us think that. Just know Jonghyun you will forever be a legend and will forever be in our hearts, all the music you made, all the inspiration you gave to us. You were an amazing person, may you rest in paradise, I know you will be watching over all of us up there, we got our star in the sky to look at now, SHINee will forever be 5.
5stars . My dearest condolences, thoughts and prayers go to friends,family,members, and of course their fandom. Everything will be okay eventually , never be afraid to seek for help we are all here for you.
Gone but never forgotten,
Kim Jonghyun...... did well.

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